When speaking to others use these kinds of words.
kind and respectful
Do this if someone is mean to you online.
Tell a trusted adult
What two things do not belong in your bookbag with your library book?
Food and water or liquids.
True or false: I should play fun games when the teacher has told us to go to a specific website.
False, you should only use websites that your teacher has approved.
True or false: You should be "friends" with strangers.
False, only be online friends with people you know in real life.
If you drop items on the floor you should do this.
pick them up
True or False: You should text mean messages back to someone who says mean things to you online.
False, texting mean messages back could get you in trouble too. Save the mean message and show it to a trusted adult.
Use this to keep your place in your book.
A bookmark
True or false: It is OK for me to watch YouTube videos when I should be reading.
False, you should never watch YouTube videos unless you have permission from a teacher.
True or false: Once your post something online it can be there forever, even if you delete it.
True, even if you delete the message or picture it can still be on someone else's device.
True or False: Water bottles are allowed in the library.
False, water spills can damage the books and stain the carpet.
Do this if someone threatens you online.
Tell a trusted adult.
Do this when you are finished with a book.
Return it to the library or hallway drop-off baskets.
True or false: I should email my friend in the middle of a math lesson.
False, you should only use school email for school purposes when your teacher says it is ok.
Never share this information online.
Personal information: full name, address, email, telephone number, school, and so forth.
If you look at a book and decide not to check it out, you should do this with it.
Put it back where you found it or give it to the librarian.
Not allowing a person's message to come through your phone is called this.
True or false: Put your library books on the shelf with your personal books at home.
False, have a special place for your library books at home so they do not get lost.
True or false: I can do a Google search for information that I need for a school project.
You should do this if someone sends you a message that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Tell a trusted adult.
Be sure to do this with a book you wish to take home with you.
Check it out at the computer.
True or false: You should share a picture/video of someone in an embarrassing situation.
False, never share photos/videos unless you have the person's permission.
If you open a book and it is damaged do this.
Let the librarian know right away.
True or false: I can copy down information from the Internet exactly as it is online and call it my own work.
False, that work belongs to someone else. Either put it in your own words or give credit to the person that created it.
Every now and then and when you set up a new account you need to check these settings.
Privacy settings.