Library Rules
Library Sections
Library Organization
Book Care
Library Procedures

What voice level should you be at during Check Out time?

Voice level 1 = Whisper

How do I get to the Reading Corner?

Miss Jazmine or Ms. Blake gives tickets sometimes to some people reading at their assigned seats


What are the 2 main types of books in the library?

Fiction and nonfiction


What is the best way to save your page in a book when you need to stop reading for the day?

Use a bookmark


What is the first thing you do when walking into the library?

Put your books to be returned on the yellow cart


How do you show you have a question?

Raise your hand


Where are the chapter books?

On the white rack, called the Fiction section


What do the colors on the spine labels mean?

Each color shows a different reading level

What should you do if a library book you are reading rips or breaks?

Take it to Miss Jazmine or Ms. Blake


What do I do if I can't check out today?

Choose a book to read at my table and return it before I line up


What should you do if you can't find a book that you want to check out?

Ask Ms. Blake or Miss Jazmine for help


Where can you find Elephant and Piggie books?

In the Everybody books section, on the W shelf, for the author Mo Willems


If I wanted to learn about rabbits, should I get a fiction or nonfiction book?

Nonfiction book

Where and how should you turn the pages in a book you are reading?

Turn pages carefully from the top corner


When putting a book back on the shelf, what part of the book should we be able to see?

The spine should be facing us, so we can read the title


What should I do if I decide I don't want to check out a book that I was looking at?

Put it on the yellow cart for Miss Jazmine and Ms. Blake to reshelve.


Where is the book return area?

On the yellow cart, by the door


What is the biography section?

Biographies are books about a person's life


When you are in line or walking through the school, how should you carry your book?

Hold and carry books with 2 hands

When it's time to line up, I should...

Check the area I was sitting in, push in my chair, find my spot in line order, wait silently


What should you do before coming to specials?

Use the restroom


Where is the pencil sharpener?

By the exit door


If I want a paperback picture book, where would I look?

In the baskets


What should you keep away from books?

Babies, pets, food, drinks, scissors, crayons, water 


Before I get up to go check out, I need to ...

Sanitize my hands (and wait for my card)