Library 101
Material Specific Research (Part 1)
Material Specific Research (Part 2)
Additional Research
Helpful Research Guides

At what time does the library close?

It doesn't, open 24/7


What should you use to look for E-Books, Journal Articles, and News and Newspapers?

Scholar OneResearch


What is the difference between what you can find on databases versus search engines?

Databases: help you with finding a smaller amount of information, 

Search Engines: can help with exploratory background research


What are the 5 pieces of a research article?

Abstract (summerizes article), Introduction (background info, research question, relevance to its field)


What is the name of your first year librarian?

Tamara Uhaze


When/who do you ask for help at the library?

You can chat with a librarian 24/7 on the site, and you can visit the research help desk on weekdays from 11am-3pm.


What is the symbol to show a source is peer reviewed on Ulrichsweb?



What is some language that may be used by other sources to describe a reputable source?

Trusted, leading, respected, well-established


Where can you learn how to use Google Scholar?

 In the “Getting Started with Google Scholar” Tab in the module - this tab will tell you how to adjust your setting and other specific tools to use in Google Scholar


How many research subject guides are available?



How do you know who to ask for help on research?

Northeastern has librarians who specialize in certain areas and subjects.


How many databases for news and newspapers does Northeastern have?



What type of questions can data help you to answer?

How? Why?


What is a citation manager?

A citation manager allows for you to write your bibliography in whatever citation style you need


What is a research tutorial?

Guides on a specific topic shown through videos, text-based, and interactive options.


What do you do if you can’t find a certain book or article at the library?

You can make an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request in which the library attempts to borrow the work from another library.


What are the 6 key questions you should ask when evaluating an  E-Book, Journal Article, News or Newspaper?

What? Who? Why? When? Where? How?


When defining your research question, what questions must you ask about the data you want to collect?

What data do you need? Who collects the data? When is your data from? Where is your data from?


When should you use Google Scholar?

When your topic is interdisciplinary, when you are searching for “grey literature” like conference proceedings, when you are having difficulty finding resources in the library databases or looking for resources that aren’t in the library catalog.


How many types of mis/dis/or mal information is there?



How many study room reservations is a student limited to per week, and how many hours are they limited to per day?

No more than 4 room reservations per week, and no more than 7 hours per day.


How do you search for individual newspaper articles?

On Scholar OneSearch, go to Filters, Material Type, Newspaper Articles


What is the difference between a primary and a secondary source?

Primary Source: First-hand sources or evidence from the event or period under study

Secondary Source: Interpretations or analysis of primary source information, not created first-hand


What is the difference between Google Scholar and the Northeastern Library?

Google Scholar is a search engine and the library is a database.


Which helpful research guide would hold information on supply chain management?

Business Administration - Sections on Non-Profits and Sustainability