Historical Librarians
Library of Congress
Famous Libraries
Banned Books
Fictional Librarians
This famous heart throb was at one time employed as a librarian.

Who was Casanova?


This government official is appointment by the president and serves as the head of the Library of Congress.

Who is the Librarian of Congress?

The library was arguably one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world, but burned down in 48 BC.

What is the Royal Library of Alexandria?

This book was the most challenged book of 2017. 

What is Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher?


This character in Stephen King's Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption tirelessly campaigns to develop the the finest prison library in all of New England.

Who is Andy Dufresne?


This Unites States first lady earned her MLS at the University of Texas at Austin.

Who is Laura Bush? 
The oldest building that makes up the Library of Congress was named after this president. 

Who is Thomas Jefferson?

This presidential library is currently in construction on the west side of Chicago. 

What is the Barack Obama Presidential Center?

This text has frequently been banned for it's overt religious themes. 
What is the bible?
This fictional librarian inspires a young girl to read in a classic Roald Dahl story. 

Who is Miss Phelps?

This librarian's accomplishments included founding the Library Journal and ALA, developing a traveling library system in New York, and creating a system of book classification. 
Who is Melvil Dewey?
This social media platform has agreed to donate every public post in it's archive to the Library of Congress. 
What is Twitter?
These are the names of the beloved lions that sit in front of the New York Public Library. 
Who are Patience and Fortitude?
This favorite collection of children's poetry was banned for promoting cannibalism. 

What is Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein? 


This Stephen King novel features a librarian who is the keeper of an ancient secret and who must bring his childhood friends back home to fight evil.

What is It?
This FBI director got his start in government working as a clerk in the Library of Congress. 

Who is J. Edgar Hoover? 

This president proposed the idea of a Congressional library.
Who is James Madison? 
Closely following the New York Public Library, this library has the second largest print collection out of all United States public library systems. 
What is the Boston Public Library?

This historically significant account of a young girl's life was challenged for being "a real downer."

What is The Diary of Ann Frank?


This actor played the acerbic librarian Bunny Watson in the 1957 film Desk Set.

Who is Katherine Hepburn?


This beloved children's book author, who has sold 91 million copies of her books worldwide since her first book was published in 1950, began her career as a librarian.

Who is Beverly Cleary?

After being burned down in the War of 1812, the Library of Congress was reestablished by the United States Government purchasing the personal collection of this president. 
Who is Thomas Jefferson? 

This country houses St. Catherine’s Monastery, the oldest continually running library in the world.

What is Egypt?

This classic novel has frequently been challenged as "anti-white" and "obscene."

What is The Catcher in the Rye?


This superhero's alter ego is librarian Dr. Barbara Gordon.

Who is Batgirl?