Library skills
Library Mash
Library Resources
Library Research

What equipment do you use to look up books in our Library?

The ipads or the desk top computers


What is the name of the person who writes the book?

The author


When we sit in chairs or on the floor in the Library, how do we sit?

On our bottom.


What section of the Library would I go to if I want to read a Kinder to second grade picture book for fun?

The Easy/Everyone section


If you wanted to look up what a word means, where would you look?

An actual dictionary or you could do a search on-line for the word.


What you search for a topic or book title in the on-line catalog, does it have to be spelled correctly to get a hit?



What is the name of the person who draws the pictures in a book?

The illustrator


What is the noise level expectation in the Library?

To speak quietly or whisper in an indoor voice.


What section in the library would I go to if I want to read a graphic novel?

Show me.....


What type of book is an encyclopedia?

A reference book with information about different topics listed in alphabetical order


What is a biography?

A story written about another person's life


How can you tell if a book is fiction or non-fiction?

 Fiction stories are not real and are made up from imagination.  Non-fiction stories are based on real factual information.


When putting books back on the shelf, what part of the book should be showing and why?

Yes, so we can see the call number and information about the book.


Does the call number on a graphic novel begin with a letter or a number?

The number 741.5 because it falls under the art section which includes comic books which is the 700s.


What types of book has definitions of words in it? 

A Dictionary


Where do we turn our library books back in if we do not want them anymore.

In the slot at the book checkout desk with the sign that says "Return Library Books Here" or in the grey drop box outside the cafeteria.


If you find a book on the floor, hidden or in the wrong spot, what should you do with it?

Look at the call number for the book's address and put it away if I know where it belongs.  If I do not know where it belongs, ask Ms. Lisa or place the book on the blue cart for to be reshelved.  


Where are the biographies located in the Library? And what letter does the call number on the spine of the begin with?

Mobile books shelves near the non-fiction carpet.

Biographies start with a "B" on the call number.


If I ask, "What genre" of book or movie do you like" what does "genre" mean? 

A specific type or category of writing, film or music.


What letter does the call number of a Fiction chapter book begin with and what are the first 3 letters that follow that letter?

F and the first 3 letters of the author's last name.


What do you look for on a book to figure out where to put the book back on the shelf?

The call number


How do you tell if a book is Spanish?

The call number of the book begins with the letters "SP" or because the text of the book is written in Spanish.


What section of the Library would you find you find books about sports or competing in the Olympic games? (hint: non-fiction, fiction, biographies, easy)

In the non-fiction section in the 700s.


What section of the Library would you find books about animals?

Either show me or tell me the general call number, for example, 400s, 500s, 600s or 700s


What do you call a document where you can find countries, states, cities and oceans?

A map