How should I mark my place in my library book?
A bookmark
What voice level should I have while Mrs. A is talking or reading?
What do I need to grab before heading to the computer to check out?
My library card
What section do we find books that tell facts?
Nonfiction section; orange section
What is our librarian's name?
Mrs. A or Mrs. Amundson
What is something I should never have near my library book?
Water/drink, food, pet, other...
How should I be sitting at the carpet?
What should I do if I can't check out a book?
Read a book at my table or coloring sheet
What section do we find picture books written from the author's imagination?
Everybody section; green section
_____, don't run in the library
Where is a safe place to keep my library book at home?
Up high - away from pet, sibling; In my backpack; other...
During checkout, if I decide I don't want the book I pulled off the shelf, what should I do?
put it back where it belongs or give to Mrs. A
Where should I return books on my library day?
Library basket outside classroom door
What section do we find books that are written like comic strips?
Graphic novels section; blue section
What should I do when the timer turns yellow?
Clean up; finish checking out books
What should I do if my book gets damaged?
Bring book to Mrs. A
What do I do with books I want to renew?
Bring books to library to scan them again
What is it called when you can come each morning before school starts to return books and check out new ones?
Open Library
How are nonfiction books organized on the shelf?
In number order; by subject
What is one thing you wish we did more of in library class?
Answers vary
Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?
The book is checked out it your name and it is your responsibility.
What is one of Mrs. A's Guidelines for Success? (it's on a slide shown at beginning of every class)
Respect yourself, others, and the library; be responsible; do your best
What are 2 things that need to be done with the timer turns to red?
push in chair; walk to line spot; line up quietly; have all materials with me
How are fiction books organized on the shelf?
Alphabetically by author's last name
What are 2 things I can do if I'm not sure what book to check out?
Ask a friend; ask Mrs. A; ask my teacher; search Destiny Discover