Teacher's Talking
On Task
Keep it Safe
Watch Your Back
Cool at School

If the teacher is giving directions or instruction, this is what I do with my device.

Put my screen down and look up


Students are expected to use Chromebooks for two reasons at school. What are they?

For classwork or websites as assigned by my teacher


Like germs, this is something students should never share with one another.

We never share passwords or login information


It is ___________ for students to use TikTok and Instagram (or other social media sites) during school time.

Not allowed


AUP stands for _________________.

The Acceptable Use Policy


This is what we do to make sure our device is always charged and ready.

Plug in my Chromebook


A student that visits websites during class that are not related to the class work is this.

What is off task and not following the group plan


This is what a student should be when using school technology of any kind.

Responsible and Respectful


Choose one:

If we login to any website with someone else's information we are forgetting to be ____________.

a) respectful

b) responsible

c) kind


A, B, and C


This is the purpose of the AUP (Acceptable Use Policy):

To help you respect and protect yourself and others with technology


Teachers - and other students - count on you to do this when you put a device away. It helps us to make sure that we always have the right one.

Put my device in the correct spot


When is a good time for students to change backgrounds and themes on Chromebooks?

During free choice time or when invited to by your teacher


Sharing your address or phone number with someone that you do not know online is _______________.

Not safe and risky


If you think that someone else has logged in with your information or knows your password, this is what you should do.

Tell a teacher or a trusted adult


Students are not allowed to _______________ with cell phones at school or on the bus.

Send or receive messages or calls during the school day or on the school bus?

*Some students with health issues may be given permission to carry their phone. Everyone else should not even have a phone in their bag!*


This is how we transport a Chromebook or other device if we need to move around the room.

I carry my device carefully and with two hands


True or False: It is okay to change a background or my Google theme while a teacher is talking.


*Your brain can only focus well on one thing at a time. If your teacher is talking it is time to pay attention and be respectful!*


These are things that you need to keep protected because they protect access to money:

 - credit card information

 - parent's banking information

 - someone else's identity (name and address)


This is what should happen if you feel that someone is bullying you online. 

 - Tell an adult or trusted adult

 - Tell them to stop

 - Take a screenshot for evidence

 - Leave the website/game and block the individual


A device will break, or specific keys may become damaged, if we forget to ____________________.

Handle devices gently and with care


This is the word for trying different solutions to fix a problem. It is what you can help your teacher to do whenever you have a problem with technology.

Troubleshooting or problem solving


This is what we do to acknowledge the books, websites, and other sources that we use in any kind of project.

We give credit to the author or website


If someone that I chat with online ever asked to meet with me or for my real name, this is what I would do:

 - tell a teacher or trusted adult

 - tell the person that it makes you uncomfortable

 - never give out that information or agree to meet


If you notice that someone is using technology to bully someone else (either in school OR out of school) you should do this:

 - Tell a teacher or trusted adult

 - Tell the bully to stop and why

 - Take a screenshot for evidence

 - Stand up for the person being targeted


I'll be having a serious conversation with the principal, my teachers, and my family if I __________________.

Break the rules of this policy

Remember to be responsible, respectful, and kind with our school technology!