Where is THAT?
Library Circulation
What's Going on in Here?
Digital Resources HCPS & HCPL

In this area of the library, you would find fiction books, and this is how they are shelved there.

What is in the center of the library and are shelved by genre?


This is the name of the process for when you borrow a book from the library and when you return it; this is also where you need to place a returned book.

What is circulation and what is the book drop at the "checkout" desk?


List at least 2 events that might be hosted daily in the JOHS Library Media Center?

What are Morning Library, Classes, Lunches, Technology Help, checking in or out of materials, etc.?


Where can students go to access library resources online and is where Ms. Amato has placed all JOHS Media Center links?

What is Canvas?


Students can access the library's in person collection by using this library digital resources.

What is Follett Destiny?


The latest books that have been added to the library are located in this area.

What is the New Books Display?


How many books are you allowed to check out and can you check out if you have items on your account?

Unlimited amount of books can be taken out and yes, you can!


This is the purpose of library orientation for new students.

What is to remind you of where everything is, how you can use the media center, and how you can access resources?


This is the process for students to print documents in the Library Media Center?

What is fill out a work order for printing help, email Ms. Amato & Ms. Phelan what is needed to be printed, and when it is your turn that document will be printed? You will be called to pick it up after that.


Students can access e-books through this one of the  library's digital resources?

What is SORA?


Books in this section generally are helped by lots of photos and graphics to tell the story.

What is Graphic Novels?


This will happen if you return a book late.

What is nothing? Loaned books from fall semester not returned by the middle of the year will go into Lost status which you will then need to pay back. This will similarly happen in the spring at the end of the year.


At this time AND only this time, students do not need a pass to be in the media Center. 

What is Morning Library?


This is common software used for creating presentations in the classroom or library. Name 2.

What is Microsoft Office products such as PowerPoint and Word as well as Canva and Canvas Studio?


This is why using reliable digital resources for research is very important and what are these resources called.

What are databases and are to be used to be sure of currency, relevance, accuracy, and limitation of bias?


This section includes books that provide you information about topics.

What is the nonfiction section?


This is the term for the system that keeps track of all the books in the library and can tell you the availability and location of a book.

What is Follett, Destiny?


This is the role that librarians play during school projects and research?

What is help students recognize, access, and use authentic resources as well as collaborate with teachers to provide lessons to help students research for now and for their future?


This is the process for students to access help for a device that is not working correctly?

What is complete a work order either via the QR code when you have your phone, at the media center on the computer kiosk, or to ask your teacher to send one in for you? Do NOT come to the media center for help without being called to there first. We will call you when it is your turn.


Students access online digital resources from HCPL by doing this.

What is go online to hcplonline.org?


This location in the library houses school supplies that students can access when they need them.

What is the large metal cart by the puzzle table?


This is the only library material that is not available for circulation in a library?

What are JOHS yearbooks? 


This is the process to come to the Media Center during the day.

What is... at lunch, obtain a lunch lanyard from the adult outside the cafeteria, and throughout the day, have your teacher call to be sure I am here and then have that teacher write an e-hall pass to the media center?


This is what I should do if I have LOST my device?

What is tell your teacher and have them email me? Do NOT go to the media center. I will start the process from the email.


This is the username and password needed to access the online HCPL Digital Resources.

What is...

username= HCPS123456 (where the # is your lunch number)

password= 123456  (where the # is your lunch number)