True or False: You should come into the library and be loud.
False. You should come in quietly and sit down to get started quickly.
What should you do if you want to talk during class?
Raise your hand.
Do you need to be respectful of the materials in this class?
Yes, because everyone uses them so it is important not to ruin them.
True or false: Having a charged Chromebook is part of your grade?
Do you talk and run during a fire drill?
No. It is important to stay quiet to hear directions. You must walk quickly, but don't run.
True or false: If the teacher or someone else is speaking, I should be quietly listening.
What should you do if you need to use the bathroom?
Raise hand and ask to go to the bathroom. Sign name on sign-out sheet.
When done using your materials, do you leave them at your spot?
No, return them to where you found them, and how you found them.
True or false: If I do nothing I will get a good grade in this class.
False. You need to participate by trying your best.
Should you talk during a lockdown?
No, you must remain quiet.
True or false: You should talk when an announcement is being made over the loud speaker.
What should you do if your pencil breaks?
Quietly get up and sharpen it.
Should you use the materials in a careful manner?
Yes. Especially when using the robots and other materials that can break easily.
True or false: My behavior is part of my grade.
True. There is a rubric used to grade how you follow the rules and expectations.
Are you allowed to leave the room during a shelter-in-place?
No. We can continue with our work, but no one can leave the room.