I should not do this while Mrs. Smith is talking.
This holds my spot in a book.
This is how I should come in the library.
Coming to the library with the material you need.
Well prepared
One of Mrs. Smith's children
Rani Autumn Gabriel Soleil Aria Elliot
My hands and feet should be kept here.
To myself
In my lap
When I am done reading my book I should put it here.
In a safe place (backpack, shelf, etc.)
If I've pulled a book off of the shelf and decide I don't want it, I should put it here.
on top of the shelf
Ready to learn
Well prepared
Mrs. Smith's favorite drink
I should use this voice when in the library.
Level 0, 1, or 2
I should never do this while I am reading a library book.
eat or drink
When I am done at my table, I should do this.
Push my chair in
Clean up after myself
Walking in the library
Mrs. Smith loves to do this. That's why she's a librarian.
I should do this when another person is speaking.
do not talk
I should do this before I read my library book, especially if I have been eating or playing outside.
Wash my hands
I should always treat my books and/or device this way.
Take care of it
Keeping hands and feet to myself
True or False?
Mrs. Smith loves to recommend books.
I should do this before I speak.
Raise my hand
I should never let someone else _______ my library book.
return my book
go to my assigned seat
Your body is where it needs to be.
Well prepared
True or False
This library is Mrs. Smith's library.
This library is OUR library!