Behavior in the Library
Book Care
Library Manners
Book Checkout
DEAR and Lining Up

What is the Noise Level in the Library?

Quiet or Level 1 (Whisper)


True or False:  It is okay to eat and drink while reading a book.

False - you could spill or drop food on your book and ruin it.


True or False:  I should be focused and listening to Mrs. Ingram at all times during the lesson.



You are allowed to keep your book for this amount of time.

Two Weeks


During Drop Everything and Read time, I should be doing what?

Sitting on the carpet and reading silently


If I take a book off the shelf and forget where to put it back, where do I put it?

In the Return Bin or on Mrs. Ingram's desk


If I find a book that is missing a page or is damaged, what should I do?

Give it to Mrs. Ingram to see if it can be fixed. 


If I want to ask a question or say something what do I need to do first?

Raise my hand

If you're not finished with your book, you would need to do this.
What is renewing?

True or False:  It is okay for me to call a friend from across the room to come and look at my book with me. 

False - I should walk over to the friend rather than call from across the room.  


True or False:  Running in the library is OK

False - You should NEVER run in the library.


True or False:  If I am reading and need to mark the page I am on, I can fold the corner of the page.

False - use a bookmark to hold your place.


Sitting and paying attention is an example of being respectful and showing good manners in the library.  What are some other examples?

Keeping hands to yourself, being kind, sharing, not distracting your friends, raising your hand to ask questions/say something, saying please and thank you, etc. 


I am allowed to have _____ book(s) at a time from the library.



True or False - When lining up, we can all go at one time.

False - we walk in a straight line, around the bookshelves and stop at the door.


What is my name?

Mrs. Ingram


True or False:  It is okay for me to take my book with me to the lunchroom or recess.

False - you could get food or drink on it during lunch, or forget and leave it outside after recess.


I can use this when holding my books place on the shelf so I can put it back where I found it

Shelf marker


If I find a book out of place, what can I do?

Put it back if you know where it goes, or return it to the Book Drop.


What should you be doing with your book when you line up?

What should you NOT do?

Hugging it or holding it close to you.

Read it or swing it around.


What do I do after I find my book(s) I want to checkout?

Return to the carpet and begin reading silently.  Wait to be called to check out your book.  


What is one damage to a book that Mrs. Ingram CANNOT FIX?

A broken spine.


What is Mrs. Ingram's Number ONE Rule (manner) follow while being in the library?

Always WALK, Never RUN


If Mrs. Ingram lets me scan my own book out, what do I need to listen for first?

I need to listen to her to tell me I can scan it.  


True or false:  it is okay for me to talk to a friend while we are in line waiting for our teacher or to leave. 

False - we should be showing we are ready to go into the hallway (facing forward, level 0)