Coming into the Library
Book Care
Library Behavior
Library Behavior Continued..
Materials and Maker Space

What is the proper way to enter the library?

Quietly, while WALKING to your ASSIGNED seat.


When are books that are checked out due?

The following week unless there is no library.


Do I run around the library?

No! This is not recess. 


Should I be mean or bully someone in the library?

No!  Just like everywhere else in school, it will not be tolerated. 


How many times a month do we have maker space?

One time 


What should I bring to the library with me?

The book I am returning or a book I want to read.


What do I do if I want to read a certain book?

You can renew it or have it saved for you at the front.


What are things I don't do in the library?

Climb on tables or counters, hide under desks or in between spaces in the bookshelves, lay on shelves or tables, pull myself up onto things, throw things, etc..

What should I do with my hands in the library?

Keep them to myself.  Don't push, touch others, etc..


Do we sharpen both ends of the colored pencils or put different colored lids on the markers?

No! Otherwise we will be using crayons.


What should I NOT bring to the library?

Toys- fidget, stuffed, etc..


What if the library doesn't have a book I would like to read?

ASK!! If possible, we will add it to the library collection.


Do I yell or scream in the library?

No! This is the library and if the librarian has to yell over you to tell you to be quiet, YOU ARE TOO LOUD!


How should be line up to go back to class?

Quietly and in line order 


What if I don't like the coloring page provided?

That is unfortunate and I am sorry.  You can draw on the back, read a book or quietly talk to your neighbor.


What is the black scanner by the computer used for?

Checking in/out books.


What are books used for?

They are used for READING.  They are not used as balls, foot stools, weapons or objects to show off your balancing skills. 


What should you do when you are finished checking out a book or if you didn't bring one?

sit quietly and read, take one activity paper to complete or quietly talk to my neighbor.


Should I touch things that don't belong to me or go into rooms without permission?


Where do colored pencils, markers, maker space items, and chairs go when I am finished with them?

Back where they belong!


What is the black scanner on the desk NOT used for?

Where should I sit?

A pretend gun, hide and seek object or used to try to scan your eyes.

Where do books belong?

Back on the shelf and the section they came from.  


How many times should the librarian ask me to do something or to not do something?



If someone wants to sit at my table, what should I do?

Slide over and make room 
Am I responsible for myself and my actions, including but not limited to picking up after myself?

Yes!  The tables are not messy when you come in and should not be messy when you leave.