What is the proper way to enter the room?
Walk to your assigned table/seat.
How should I mark my place in my library book?
A bookmark.
What is Level Zero?
No sounds. Use this voice level when you enter the library or listening to the librarian's instructions.
What should I bring to the library with me?
Nothing except books you want to check in or books to read on silent reading days.
Wash your hands.
What should I do before reading my library book?
Use this voice level when you are doing partner work.
What is Level One?
What voice level should we use when entering the library?
Where should I put my books when I take them home?
In a backpack.
Where do books go if you need to check them in on library class day?
In the book drop!
Tidy up and line up.
What should you do after checking out?
What will you need to do if you lose or damage a book?
Where should I sit?
In my assigned seat/table. Always.
Why should I take care of the library's equipment and books?
So others can use it too.