Quietly walk to the ipad to check in your books or to your seat if you have no books.
What is how do you enter the library?
A bookmark.
How should I mark my place in my library book?
At the check in station.
Where do I check in my books?
The section of the library that contains information.
What is Non-Fiction?
Only your library books and ipad.
What should I bring to the library with me?
Water bottles.
What is the number one enemy of library books?
Use this to help keep our shelves neat.
What is a shelf marker?
The code on the book that tells us where to find the book.
What is the call number?
Check in your book, take it to your table, and scan it out at check out time.
How do you keep a book if you aren't finished?
Use your own caddy materials to put your name on your number and talk quietly until class begins.
What should you do when you get to your seat?
In a backpack.
Where should I put my books when I take them home?
Put books here if you find them on the floor or if you forgot to use your shelf marker.
What is the book truck?
The barcode found only on the front of the book.
Where do you scan in or out a book?
Only the materials in your own caddy.
What materials are you allowed to use?
In the book return outside the library.
Where do books go if you need to turn them in and it is not your library time?
Whoever checks out the book.
Who is responsible for a library book?
Sit here when you are finished checking out.
What are the carpet/comfy areas?
The label on the edge of the book that tells where a book goes on the shelf.
What is a spine label?
You will need to do this if you lose or damage a book.
What is pay for it?
In your assigned seat. Always.
Where should I sit?
Pets, small children, and water.
What should I keep my book away from?
Where I can look up what books we have on a subject or where to find the book.
What is Destiny/app on ipad/Donelson library app?
A category of literature characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
What is genre?
So others can use it too.
Why should I turn in books after two weeks?