Bring them to the circulation desk to be checked back in.
Where should I put the books I'm bringing back to the library?
Use this voice level when you enter the library or teacher is talking.
What is Level Zero?
Books you want to check in or renew.
What should I bring to the library with me?
A total of three books.
What is the total number of books that a student can check out?
If you're not finished with your book but you want to continue reading it.
What is renewing?
In a backpack.
Where should I put my books as I take them home?
In the book drop or hand to Mrs. Dogs!
Where do books go if you need to check them in on library class day?
Use this voice level when we have an emergency drill.
What is Level Zero?
You will need to do this if you lose or damage a book.
Why would I need pay for a library book?
In your assigned seat. Always.
Where should I sit?
A program that tells me the books available in the library and where.
What is Destiny Discover?
Use this voice level when reading.
What is Level zero or one?