What should be clean before you touch any books?
Your hands
What is a fiction book?
A story that is not true
What is something safe you should always do in the library?
Use walking feet, absolutely no running!
What should you do when you come into the library?
Come in and sit down quietly
Where is the oldest library in the world?
The oldest library in the world is located in a Monastery in Egypt
What is a book mark?
Something that marks the place in your book.
What is a biography book?
A book about a person's life
To be respectful what should you do if you have something to say?
Raise your hand and wait until you are called to speak
What should you do after selecting a book?
Return to your seat quietly and read your book
The Library of Congress
What is the best place to keep your book?
In your backpack/cubby
What is a dictionary?
A book that shows the meaning of words and spelling
What is something you can do to be safe on the carpet?
Do not touch other students
Sit quietly
Sit with your legs crossed
What are five things you do when you sit on the carpet?
Ears listening, eyes looking, no talking, legs criss cross, and hands in lap
Are libraries a silent place?
Not all libraries require complete silence. In our school library, students can whisper.
Who and what should you keep your books from?
Animals, younger siblings, and food/water
What is a nonfiction book?
A book about true events, people, and give information
In order to be responsible with your books, when should you return it?
At your next library class
How can students get Ms.Carter's attention?
Raising our hands quietly
How many books are in the Library of Congress?
32 million
If you do not know where a book belongs where do you put it?
Return it to Ms.Carter or put it on the yellow cart
What is an everybody book?
A book that is written to be enjoyed by all ages
If you lose your book what do you do?
What do students need to enter library outside of their library class time?
A library pass
When was the first library created?
About 5,000 years ago