In the Media Center
Book Care
Check Out
Voice Levels

Where should you put a book if you didn't use a book marker?

Give it to the librarian, put it on an empty cart or in the book return hole.


How should I mark my place in my library book?

With a bookmark, piece of paper or sticky note.


Where do you put books to return on library day?

On the library cart brought down to your classroom by the librarian.


What voice level do you use when entering or exiting any classroom or the library?

Level Zero


How long can you check out your library book for?

One week


What should I bring with me to the library for book check-out?

Nothing except books you want to check in or renew.


What should I do before touching my library book?

Wash your hands.


What is a book or shelf marker?

A place holder for a book you took off the shelf.


What voice levels should be used during Media?

Voice levels 0-2


If you're not finished with your book, and want to keep reading it, you would need to do this.

Renew it. The librarian will leave "renew" book slips on the cart, place it in your book and then put the book on the cart for them to renew it for you.


How should act while in the library for book check-out?

Use walking feet and a zero voice.  Keep the library neat, clean and organized.


Where should you put library books to take them home?

In a backpack or bag.


What is the book return?

A place at the circulation desk to return books or put books in if you don't know where to reshelve them.


True or False:  We should use a level 4 voice when we are outside during an emergency drill.

False – A level 0 voice must be used for all emergencies and drills so you can hear instructions and be safe.


You cannot do this on the school computers.

Watch or listen to prohibited websites, play games that are prohibited, or change the settings on the computer without permission.


What should you do if you have a question, comment or need help?

Ask the librarian or your teacher for help.  Raise your hand.


Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?

The book is checked out in your name and it is your responsibility if something happens to it.


Where should you go after you check out your book?

Back to your assigned seat at a table or sit down where you line up.


You are presenting your work to the class.  What level should you, the presenter, use when speaking to the class?

Level 4 voice- loud enough for the class to hear without screaming.


What happens if you lose or damage a book?

You have to pay a fine for it or replace it.


Where should you sit in the Media Center or Computer Lab?

At your assigned seat or table.


What should I keep my book away from?

Pets, small children, food, and water.


What is the library card chart used for?

To hold student ID cards to check out books.


When do you use a level 3 or 4 voice?

Outside on the playground during recess or when presenting to the class.


Why should I take care of the library's books, classroom materials and computer equipment?

Because it is school property and everyone at school uses it.