Entering the Room
Book Care
Check Out
Best Practices
What if...
Walk in quietly, check in your books, place them on the correct cart, and sit at your assigned seat.
What is the proper way to enter the library?
A bookmark. Never fold the corners!
How should I mark my place in my library book?
You are allowed to keep your book for this amount of time.
What is two weeks?
Use this voice level when you enter the library, while Ms. Sather is speaking, and during independent reading.
What is Level Zero/Silence?
Put the book back where you left your shelf marker?
What if... you preview a book and decide not to check it out?
Books you want to check in or read during silent reading time.
What should I bring to the library with me?
Wash your hands.
What should I do before reading my library book?
Place a shelf-marker next to the book you want to preview.
What should you do before taking a book off the shelf?
Unsafe, irresponsible, and/or disrespectful behavior.
What is not tolerated in the library and will result in disciplinary action?
Bring your book back to renew it.
What if... you're not finished with your library book?
The grey cart.
Where do nonfiction (numbers like 741.5) books go once you have checked them in?
In my backpack.
Where should I put my books when I take them home?
Your name and the titles of the books you are checking out.
What should you look for on the check out screen?
Bring a library pass, check in/out quickly and quietly, and don't disturb other classes in the library.
What should you do when checking out independently?
Let Ms. Sather know so she can help. If she's not available, leave a post it on the book with your full name & teacher's name.
What if... an error message comes up while you're checking out?
The blue cart.
Where do everybody (E) books go once you have checked them in?
The book is checked out in your name and it is your responsibility.
Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?
Sit here when you are finished checking out and during library lessons.
What is your assigned seat?
Use your strategies (5 finger rule, etc.) to decide if it's a good fit.
What should you do before deciding to check out a book?
You will need to pay for it. In some cases you may be able to work off part of your fine.
What if... you lose or damage your library books?
The black cart.
Where do fiction (F) books go once you have checked them in?
Pets, small children, and water.
Who/what should I keep my book away from?
Use the mouse to click "check out" so the computer is ready for the next person.
What should you do when you're finished scanning your books out?
Using the library catalog, reading e-books, taking AR tests, and recording book recommendations.
What are the library computers used for?
Turn the book so it's facing correctly, prop the books back up, or put the book on the book cart.
What if... I see messy books or books out of place?