Entering the Room
Book Care
Check Out
Voice Levels
Materials and Equipment

How are you to enter the library?

Quietly and then sit where Mrs. Ulrich asks you to sit.


How should I mark my place in a book?

I should use a bookmark or a scrap piece of paper.


Where do I check out books?

At the desk where Mrs. Ray usually is. 


What voice level should I be using when someone is talking?



When are your library books due?

Five class days from when you check them out. 

This is usually the next library class. 


If you were here at the start of school, is there anything to bring to library class?

No. Library books should have already been put on a cart in the morning. 


What should I clean before reading my library book?

My hands.


What do I need to checkout a library book at this library?

My library card with my name on it. 


What voice level should I use if I'm working with a partner?

Level One.


What do you do with books you want to renew?

I still put them on the cart in the morning and then check them out again when I have library class. 


What voice level should we use when entering the library?

Zero. Silence


How should I take my books to and from school?

In a backpack with water bottle on the outside or empty.


How is the changed my mind cart to be used?

Books that are out of place or I don't know where they go back can be put here. 


If I'm speaking to the class, what voice level I should be using?

Level Three. 


Besides library class, when can I come and visit the library to exchange a book or renew a book?

In the mornings after announcements and before 10:50am. 


If I was not here when the library cart was at my class in the morning, where do I put my library book when I come to class?

On the checkout desk.

This is where Mrs. Ray checks out your books. 


Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?

The book is my responsibility once it is checked out to me. 


What are students to do after checking out their books?

Sit and quietly read. Look at their books to make sure nothing is wrong with them. 


If we had an emergency or a drill, what voice level should I be using?

Level Zero.


What will happen if library materials get lost or damaged?

They will either need to be found and returned, replaced, or paid for. 


If you need to tell Mrs. Ulrich something about a library book, when is a good time to do that?

During book checkout. 

This is a good time to talk to Mrs. Ulrich about why a book is late or things like that. 


What should I keep my book away from?

Pets, small children, and water.


What is Destiny?

What I use to search for books on the computers. 


What voice level should I be using after book checkout?

Level Zero.


Why should I take care of the library's books, makerspace materials, and computers?

So others can use it too.