Illness policy for Pink Eye
Pink Eye: Eye drops for 24 Hours
How long can a child be left unsupervised on the playground or in the classroom?
Infants- 4:1
Toddlers- 7:1
PreSchool- 10:1
True or False
You can have folding chairs as long as they are soft.
Name 3x You should Wash Your Hands...
Diapering, Entering Classroom, Food Service, Bathroom, Accidents, Bloody Nose...
I am responsible for Daily Inspection of Hazards
Classroom Opener
Fire Alarms are going off, what 4 things do you grab?
1. Clipboard/Binder with Student Emergency Cards
2. First Aid Kit
3. Backpack/Bag
4. Student Medications
Each child needs at least this many books in the classroom.
Icky germs! Better wash the toys... name the 3 step procedure.
1. Wash with Soap and Water
2. Rinse with Water
3. Sanitize
3 major safety things to check EACH MORNING before children enter the classroom.
1. Covered Outlets
2. No Cleaning Products Out
3. Garbage Bags are Tied
True or False:
A Lead or Assistant Teacher can be left alone if they have not yet completed their First Aid & CPR
Toddlers (need 3) and Preschool (need 5) of what type of items/equipment in their classrooms?
Dramatic Play
Medication time... what do we need from the family?
1. Medication with the prescription or Dr's note with all the information (What, Who, & When) & Dr. Signature.
2. Medication Form Completely filled out by the parent.
A Parent is hurting their child, call here...
Child Protection
Full-Time Staff need this many yearly In-Service hours...
Name 5 Areas/Types of equipment needed in your classroom/center.
1. Cognitive
2. Dramatic Play
3. Large Muscle
4. Manipulatives
5. Sensory
(Will accept types i.e. blocks, dolls, books, puzzles, etc.)