Health and Safety

What ratio do you follow when mixing age groups for any period of time?

The lowest ratio. 

In our case: 1:7

WAC 110-300-0358


What is the 3-step cleaning process?

Soap & water, water, bleach solution.

WAC 110-300-0240


How far must children's mats be placed during rest time?

At least 18 inches apart, either head to toe or toe to toe

WAC 110-300-0265


Outdoor spaces must be swept for hazards how often?

Daily before the arrival of children

WAC 110-300-0145


Dirty/soiled laundry must be cleaned with:

Laundry soap/detergent, and bleach.

WAC 110-300-0245


When must children wash their hands?

(Hint: there are 8 times of day)

When arriving at school.

After using the toilet.

After diapering.

After outdoor play.

After gardening.

After playing with animals.

After touching bodily fluids (blowing knows, or blood from cuts)

Before and after eating/participating in food activities.

WAC 110-300-0200


Can children be alone in the garden?

No, providers must be with children in the garden space, actively supervising. 

WAC 110-300-1048


An ill child or staff member must be sent home if they have any of the following:

(Hint: 3 things!)

A fever of 101 or above

Vomiting 2 or more times

Diarrhea 2 or more times

WAC 110-300-0205


What are the required "times of day" for a full-day center's daily schedule?

At least one activity, indoor free play, outdoor free play, rest time, meal-service times, and rest time. 

WAC 110-300-0360


Large objects in the licensed space (televisions, bookshelves, full storage containers) that pose a risk of falling or tipping must be: 

Securely anchored to the wall or stored away from licensed space (i.e. our storage room).

WAC 110-300-0165


Medication must be stored:

In a place inaccessible to children, away from food, and external/internal medications must be stored separately.



What is the required amount of outside play time for a full-day program? (Hint: Toddler and Preschool are different!)

Preschool: 90 minutes

Toddler: 60 minutes

Can be offered at different times of day. 

WAC 110-300-0360