Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
Founding Fathers
Conquerors and the Conquered
Great Thinkers and Theories
Estimates vary from 75-99% largely depending on how many people lived there (and again, estimates range from 10,000,000 to 120,000,000).
Give me an estimate about the total percentage of natives that died in the Western Hemisphere between 1492 and 1600.
T. Jefferson, B. Franklin, and J. Adams.
What three Founding Fathers were largely responsible for authoring and editing the Declaration of Independence?
Hernan Cortez.
This famous conqueror of the Aztecs is often confused with an Aztec god named Quetzalcoatl.
Thomas Malthus was famous for his theories on population which motivated him to suggest that humanity begin eating what to keep the population down?
Squanto (Tisquantum).
This famous helper of the Pilgrims spent most of his adult life as a slave in Europe before returning home via ship and foot. Who was he?
This plant was smuggled into America on a ship by John Rolfe against the wishes of the crown.
Treaty of Tripoli.
What was the treaty in which George Washington and John Adams declared the United States "was not, in any regard founded on the Christian religion?"
Freydis Eriksdottir.
This Norse mother and farmer was famous for helping fight off the Skraelings- bare-breasted and dual-sworded!
Boston University (1964-1988)
Author and historian Howard Zinn taught at what east coast college?
The Bahamas.
Columbus never set foot on future American soil. Instead he made landfall on what modern island Nation?
Snorri Thorfinnsson (~1003) and Martin Arguelles (~1566).
Virginia Dare was not the first European born in the Western Hemisphere. Tell me one of the two that came before.
China and the United Kingdom.
Which countries are the only ones beside the United States that currently own a copy of either the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence?
This native surprised the Pilgrims by uttering the initial words, "Do you have any beer?" in English.
Sir Walter Raleigh.
This man's great idea was laying down his coat before the queen to prevent her from... soiling herself. I guess he also was smart enough to pay for an exploratory venture to what he would later call Virginia.
Columbus predicted a lunar eclipse.
Columbus and his men shipwrecked on the island of Jamaica- how did they get eventually convince the natives there to help them return home?
$60 a month and in the state where they signed up.
Continental soldiers were promised two things that never materialized: this much money in pay per month, and 100 acres of land post-war where?
John Smith.
While not a signer of any important document this explorer, historian, tall tale teller, and soldier could be considered one of the founding fathers of America.
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Panfilio Narvaez, Estebanico, etc.
This "cowhead" was one of many shipwrecked survivors of an expedition to Florida. Name him and any other member of the shipwrecked group (I will take descriptions of the people if you can't recall names).
Sioux, Zuni, or Igbo.
Name one of the three cultures I used as examples of having strong matriarchal societies.
Bartolome de las Casas
This Franciscan monk dedicated his life to defending North American natives and later defended them in front of a papal court.
Rodrigo de Triana.
Columbus is infamous for many reasons, one of them being the theft of a lifetime pension from this man who was a lookout on the Santa Maria.
Edward Rutledge (wavy hand guy).
Name the youngest member of the delegates that authored the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
Pocahontas, daughter of this famous chief, died of disease in England on her way back home with her husband John Rolfe after visiting England.
This African nation was founded by the United States in 1822 as a place to house ex-slaves.
L'anse aux Meadows.
This Newfoundland site is the location of the first European settlement attempt in North America.