Divine and Eternal Life (I, II), and Life Being God Himself

The Growth of Life
Experience of Life
The Sense and Fellowship of Life
Dealing with Sins
Dealing with the World
Two Kinds of Fruit Out of the Divine Life

3 characteristics of the life of God

What is divine, eternal and indestructible?


"For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is ____ and ____."

What is "life" and "peace"?


According to the Scripture, to be regenerated is to be  _______ of the Spirit.

What is BORN?


This means joint participation, common participation

What is "fellowship"?


The purpose of this is to be used by God

What is "consecration"?


If we ____ our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9).

What is "confess"?


These are the three main categories of man's needs.

What are provision, protection, and pleasure?


But the ___ of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control... (Gal 5:22-23)

What is "fruit"?


The ultimate consummation of this life

What is "the New Jerusalem"?


We are on this tree if we are not growing in life

What is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?


Thus, a Christian is not one who is born in a Christian family, nor one who lives in a so-called “Christian country,’’ but one who is ______________ by the life of God in his spirit.



It is very important for us to realize that the believers' relationship with God is unbreakable. However, their ______ with Him is breakable.

What is "fellowship"?


When God desires us to consecrate ourselves to Him, He must move this

What is "our heart"?


The more we deal with sins, the more this grows in us

What is "God's life"?


Man's own supply for his needs was organized into this

What is Satan's system?


The way for us to bear the fruit of virtues is by ______ by Christ as our life.

What is "living"?


"Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love." (verse reference)

What is "Ephesians 4:16"?


We pursue more urgently the working of the Holy Spirit within us and give diligence in obeying the teaching of the Holy Spirit within us

How to let the Holy Spirit expand His ground extensively?


When man sees himself as a ________, recognizes his corruption, and is willing to repent, then God’s Spirit causes him to see that the Lord Jesus is his Savior, and that He died on the cross to shed His blood for the remission of sin

What is SINNER?


The sense of ____ is due to our minding the flesh, while the sense of _____ and peace is due to our minding the spirit.

What is "death and life"?


When a thing is set apart from its original position and usage and is laid on God's altar, specifically for Him

What is "sacrifice"?


God does not require us to deal with all the sins we have actually committed but only those that we are ______ of while in fellowship with Him.

What is "conscious"?


Adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship of the world is ______ with God? (James 4:4)

What is enmity?


When we are faithful to bear the fruit of God as our virtues and the fruit of persons, we will have a ____ in the coming kingdom age.

What is "reward"?


"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life." (verse reference)

What is "John 6:63"?


3 examples of being filled with the spirit everyday

What is calling on the Lord, praying, repenting and confessing to the Lord, reading and pray-reading the word, speaking and singing hymns, thanking and praising the Lord for everything, fellowshipping with the saints, preaching the gospel, and prophesying in the meetings? (Any 3)


This new creation is the crystallization of God being  __________ with man, and it is the most wonderful thing in the universe: it has both the human and divine elements, it is both man and God, and it is like both man and God.

What is MINGLED?


The more we allow the flowing of life to flow in us, the more we are inwardly supplied with __________.

What is "the fullness of God"?


The ___ of consecration is ________ and the ____ of consecration is _______.

What is Basis, His purchase, motive, and God's love.


What is the limit and the result of our dealing with sins?

What are "life and peace"?


How we know what objects are usurping us

What is when they exceed the necessities of our life?


After we have received the divine life, this life ___ in us to produce fruits.

What is "grows"?


Maintain this life by applying these life practices

what is "calling on the Lord"? (Other acceptable answers include "reading the word", "praying", "pray-reading", "singing", "fellowshipping"?


Hymn: As this life flows through me, I'm supplied abundantly. His life nullifies sin! Power springs now from within! To be free, ____ ____.

What is overcoming spontaneously?


Regeneration results in these three matters with these verse references

What is children of God (John 1:12-13), become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), united with God as one (1 Cor. 6:17)


In 1 John 1:1-7 we see a cycle in our spiritual life formed of four crucial things. Name the four crucial things.

What is "the eternal life"? What is "the fellowship of the eternal life"? What is "the divine light"? and what is "the blood of Jesus the Son of God"?


Whenever we find that our heart loves many things other than God Himself, we know we need to be re-consecrated, to be ashes for God again.

What is the giving up of the future?


Our experience and growth of life become___ when our fellowship with God is hindered due to unconfessed sins.

What is "abnormal"?


These two factors greatly influence our inner feeling toward the world.

What are our love for God and our spiritual growth in life?


Genesis 1:26 says, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness," showing us that God intends for man to be His vessel to _____ Him.

What is "express"?