Americans that did not like new immigrants or anyone that tried to change American culture
What is a Nativist?
They worked to help Industrial Workers; they did not always like new immigrants as they competed for the jobs of old immigrants.
What are Union leaders?
This law made it so that individuals must pass an examination to obtain government jobs
What is the Pendleton Act?
Poor immigrants lived in these horrible apartments in the city.
What are tenements?
This law banned this ethnic group from entering the US; they came to the U.S. to mine on Gold Mountain
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
This starts with a "P". Someone who likes to help the poor and the needy
What is a philanthropist?
Word that means country
What is rural?
This amendment freed the slaves
What is the 13th Amendment?
People used these to shop in places where they did not have many stores or shops; the railroad helped in shipping these goods.
What are mail-order catalogs?
Created Tuskegee University; wanted African Americans to support themselves and learn a trade
Who was Booker T. Washington?
They controlled the votes of the immigrants by giving them jobs, if they did not vote the right way, they were fired. They helped by the cities infrastructure. I.E. Boss Tweed
What are Political Bosses?
Supreme Court decision that decided segregation was legal; i.e. separate but equal
What is Plessy vs. Ferguson?
Word meaning city
What is urban?
"Hit" Music spread throughout the country with the help of this place in New York City
What is Tin Pan Alley?
Spoke out against Lynching in an article
Who was Ida B. Wells?
Places like Hull House, that were meant to help new immigrants that came to the United States.
What is a Settlement House?
More urban society
The United States changed from a rural society to an _____
This gave former slaves equality under the law
What is the 14th Amendment?
Moving from one place to another for various reasons. This word begins with an "I".
What is immigration?
Believed that there should be immediate equality; helped create the N.A.A.C.P.; believed in the Talented Tenth who would lead all African-Americans
Who was W.E.B. Dubois?
When someone becomes a part of a culture or a society; this word begins with an "A"
What is assimilation?
This went against Social Darwinism; help those that cannot help themselves
What is the social Gospel Movement?
This gave African-American males the right to vote
What is the 15th Amendment?
These laws went against the 15th amendment and tried to prevent African American men from voting
What are poll taxes, grandfather clauses, and literacy tests?