This word means "go around."
What is cycle?
This is the first stage of the bean life cycle.
What is a bean seed?
The monarch butterfly starts as this.
What is an egg?
The place where frogs lay eggs.
What is water?
This cycle happens every day with the sun.
What is sunrise and sunset?
This is the third stage of the bean life cycle.
What is the been seedling?
A tiny larva that hatches out of the egg.
What is a caterpillar?
When the egg hatches this swims out.
What is a tadpole?
This cycle happens every 365 days.
What is one year?
When the bean plant matures it develops these.
What are flowers?
After the caterpillar eats and grows it changes into this.
What is a pupa?
When the tadpole's tail gets shorter, these start to grow.
What are frog legs?
All organisms go through these.
What is a life cycle?
The flowers change into this fruit.
What are green beans?
The pupa is inside this.
What is a chrysalis?
The stage after the tadpole.
What is a young frog?
The first thing that appears once a bean starts to grow.
What is the root?
After the bean soaks up the water it becomes this.
What is germinated?
After the pupa breaks out of the chrysalis it becomes this.
What is an adult butterfly (monarch butterfly)?
The number of stages in the frog life cycle.
What are four stages?