The stages a living thing goes through from birth, to the beginning of life, to adulthood
Life Cycle
This is the caterpillars only job
To Eat!
During metamorphosis the caterpillar will attach themselves using a silky pad and drop down into this
A "J" shape
Color and pattern on an animal that allow it to blend in to its environment
A butterfly pumps what through its wings to help them straighten and work
What is the process called when a living goes through a complete physical change
In this life cycle stage the caterpillar looks completely different than it will as an adult
This type of metamorphosis has four stages
Complete Metamorphosis
Painted Lady Butterflies drink this for food
Approximately how many days does it take for the entire butterfly life cycle to be complete in nature
28 days
The life cycle stage where the insect contains everything necessary for life before hatching
A caterpillar does this to get rid of its skin
Complete metamorphosis happens inside where?
The long appendages attached to a butterfly's head that help it to sense its environment
The Antennas
How long does an adult Painted Lady Butterfly typically live
About 2 weeks
The stage of a life cycle where an insect goes through a complete change usually inside a hardened shell
Monarch caterpillars only eat milkweed. Name one of the plants painted lady butterflies eat
Thistle, Hollyhock, or Mallow Plants
Once a caterpillar begins the pupa stage in the life cycle it takes this many days for the butterfly to emerge and metamorphosis to be complete
About 7-10 days
This body part is many up of thousands of tiny individual lenses
Compound Eye
When a Pupa feels threatened it will do this with the chrysalis to scare away predators
Wiggle and/or Shake
The life cycle stage where the insect can produce offspring (eggs)
The short legs with hooks found on the abdomen of a caterpillar
This picture shows what type of Metamorphosis
Incomplete Metamorphosis
A straw-like mouth part used for sucking up nectar, fruit juices, water, tree sap, or other fluids
The three stages of an incomplete Metamorphosis
Egg, Nymph, Adult