Commonly referred to as the “Roaring Twenties,” many changes in daily life and culture evolved during this time period. This includes: music, transportation, women, and advertisements.
What is 1920s
ban of alcohol in the United States.
What is Prohibition
They took a more active role in politics (19th amendment). The flapper was created.
What is changing roles for women
Stock Market crash (Black Tuesday) Bank Failures. Nearly 9,000 failed, and those who didn’t were much less willing to give out loans. Less trade between America and foreign countries following the Smoot-Hawley Tariff. Drought Conditions
What are causes of the Great Depression
The chats were a series of thirty evening radio addresses given by FDR. The goal was to enhance his relationship with the American people, and he was surely successful in doing so.
What are fireside chats
a nationwide fear of communism being spread throughout the U.S. People were sometimes randomly accused of having communist beliefs and were then punished.
What is the Red Scare
increase in popularity of the genre of Jazz in the United States. This began to break down racial barriers because many of the popular artists were African-American.
What is the Jazz Age
crashed due to buying on margin, over-pricing in stocks, and too much faith in credit.
What are the reasons for the stock market crash
did almost nothing since he was a conservative, he only helped at the end of his term.
What is Hoover's response
Success- Kept people working, created some great projects that include dams producing large amounts of energy. Kept people fed as well. Failures- Didn’t necessarily eliminate poverty. Left many out of government program. Critics claimed it created a socialized system of government that went against the United States’ previous principles.
What are the success and failures of New Deal legislation
attempts from the United States Department of Justice to deport and arrest radical leftists and anarchists.
What are the Palmer Raids
The assembly line was created to speed up production and help toward mass production of goods.
What are changes in the workplace
became a part of daily life as new technologies were introduced to society.
What is Advertising
43,000 marchers assembled in Washington D.C. to demand cash-payment redemption of their service certificates. Those who marched were typically associated with war veterans or their families.
What is the bonus march
The Federal Council of Negro Affairs, essentially a group of African-American public policy advisers to president Roosevelt.
What is the Black Cabinet
cultural movement in the U.S. Music, clothes, poetry, and writing all evolved to more sophisticated beliefs.
What is Harlem Renaissance
Due to the new technology in farming, the farmers produced more food than normal. They fell into poverty after the war.
What is the Plight of the Farmers
was a cause of the stock market crash.
What is over-speculation
caused major ecological and agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairie lands. It was fueled and catalyzed by a severe drought.
What is the dust bowl
took on a greater role in the everyday social and economic lives of the people. It expanded government intervention into new areas of social and economic affairs and created more social assistance agencies at the national level.
What is expanded role of government
social and economic order that encouraged the purchase of goods in greater quantities.
What is Consumerism
Stocks were overpriced and an over-expansion of credit created unsecured faith in money.
What is buying on credit
meant the buyer could put down a small amount of money and the broker could pay the rest.
What is buying on margin
Programs were in response to the Great Depression. They focused on what were called the three R’s; relief, recovery, and reform. Ultimately, it was a series of domestic economic programs.
What is FDR's New Deal programs