Living in the different seasons
The Colonists' Houses
Men, Women & Children in 1745
Fun Times around 1745!

True or False: The colonists way of life changed depending on the seasons.



True or False: Houses in TOWN were made of stone?

TRUE! They were also small and attached to one another!


True or False: children spent all day in school and then got to come home & play video games in 1745.

FALSE! They were lucky if they went to school - most of them stayed home to help their parents with chores!


True or false: The country folk had lots of free time to have get togethers, like kitchen parties, during the summer!

FALSE! They had farm work to do! They took advantage of the cold winter months to get together with friends and have fun!


What were the farmer's SPRING chores? 

- ploughed AND planted the grain in the fields

- tapped the trees for maple syrup...YUM! 



Why were the houses in town small and made of stone?

They were small because lots of people lived in town and they needed space for everyone. 

They were made of stone because if they were made of wood and there was a fire in town, it would spread quickly because the houses were stuck together!


What was of the father's work?

- built toys for kids

- chop wood

- Repair things

- Farm work


What did they do during kitchen parties?

Sang songs, danced, told stories and played games like cards, dominoes or dice!


What were the farmer's SUMMER chores?

- Harvested the grain & hay.

- stored the harvest

- picked vegetables from the garden.


Describe a colonists house in the country.

- Made of wood

- 2 rooms (bedroom & living area)

-  a few small glass windows.

- Sloped roof and wooden floors. 


What was the mother's work?

- take care of kiddos

- clean the house

- prepare meals

- take care of gardens and farm animals

- Make clothing


What were some of the colonists main celebrations?

-Weddings (religious, dancing, food and music)

- St-Jean-Baptiste Day 

- Maypole planting (tenants honouring the seigneur by planting a spruce pole in front of the manor house)


What were the farmer's FALL chores?

- threshing the grain

- killing animals for meat 

- Preserving fruit & veggies (like canning or making jams!)


What other buildings could you find on a farm?

Barn, Dairy, Bread Oven, Stable


How did the BOYS help?

- chores with father

- help look after the farm

- help in the field, with harvest and animals.


What did they do to celebrate St-Jean-Baptiste?

They celebrated it as the longest day of the year with huge bonfires along the river! The fire was a symbol for light!


Winter was a different story...there was no farm work to do because of the snow. So what kind of work kept the family busy?

- building furniture

- repairing tools

- making clothes, tablecloths & sheets


The Seigneur, who was a rich dude, lived in a Manor House (oooh la la!). Describe this fancy house!

- Made of stone

- Several rooms (kitchen, living areas and bedrooms) & chimneys

- Many glass windows

- Sloped roof and wooden floors. 


How did the GIRLS help?

- help make meals

- help make clothes

- look after younger bros & sisters.

- Help in the fields, with harvesting and farm animals.


Cinderella wasn't the only one who wanted to go to the ball...the rich French colonists enjoyed these parties too! What would they do there?

- hire a musician for a concert

- dance the "minuet"

- enjoy fancy foods