Name three sins that were punishable.
gossiping, nagging, fortune telling, witchcraft, stealing, etc.
What was one of the most important jobs for women?
What book did parents use to teach their children to read and write?
the Bible
What fish were plentiful and easy to catch?
Name two common items that merchants traded from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
dried cod and timber
Name two types of punishments.
locked in the stockade, wearing a sign around your neck with your crime, ducking stool, branding or hanging
cook and serve food, wash dishes, clean the house, helped take care of younger children and tend the garden
What was the name of America's first public school?
Name two goods merchants brought back from Europe and the Caribbean.
sugar, molasses
You would be banished.
Name two jobs of the Puritan boys.
chop wood, feed the animals, clean the barn, picked berries, pulled weeds, gathered vegetables
When a town had this many families, it had to have an elementary school.
Name two cities that had important ports for trade.
Newburyport, New Bedford, Gloucester, Salem, and Boston
What were the responsibilities of the mother and daughters in a farming family?
took care of the garden, made jams, and made cider from fruits
Describe what Puritans would do on Sundays.
went to church,
At what age did Puritan boys have to think about what they would do for a living?
by the time they were 10 or 12 years old
If a girl did go to school, what was the school called?
Name two resources made from whale.
oil, soap, fuel
What were the responsibilities of the father and older sons of a farming family?
They chopped down trees, planted crops and took care of the livestock.
What kind of life did the Puritans believe in?
They believed in a simple, plain life.
Name three things the Puritans did to play.
made their own dolls, played tag, marbles, leapfrog, hopscotch, nine pins (like bowling), danced, played music and sang
What city is Harvard College in?
Name the most famous whaling city in the 1800's.
New Bedford
Name three things Puritan craftsmen made.
make shoes, barrels, wheels, candles, horse shoes, nails