This is the term for a persistent, strong, and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity.
They score these in sports, and you need to have them in your life to make progress
Talking, Listening, Sharing, Expressing
If you want to cure your financial ills, people who succeed always pay their _____
Every word needs to have one to avoid being nonsense and every life needs this to avoid being empty
This mental health disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, including periods of mania and depression.
Bipolar Disorder
Part on a gun, but also something to recognize and then avoid when you are in addiction or mental health recovery
Counting to 10, breathing, positive self-talk, consequential thinking, grounding, stress management
Coping Strategies/Skills
If you want to stay out of trouble, then avoid this one flaw, instead of living dishonestly just abide by the ___
This is not one of the main five senses but when you make a positive connection with a group of people you feel a sense of __
This mental health disorder is characterized by persistent and intrusive thoughts followed by repetitive behaviors or rituals aimed at reducing anxiety.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
This approach to addiction recovery focuses on minimizing the negative consequences associated with active substance use by providing tools, strategies, resources, and supports to reduce the risks and dangers associated with that use.
Harm reduction
Identify the problem, gather information, brainstorm solutions, weigh your choices, take action
Decision Making
Moving from place to place may seem arousing, but most people who have their life together have stable ____
A meaningful life has this, but spell it a bit differently it is a sea creature like a dolphin that starts with letter P
This is the term for a sudden, intense, and overwhelming episode of fear or discomfort, often accompanied by physical symptoms like a racing heart, shortness of breath, and sweating.
Panic Attack
Some people in recovery need help with past difficult life events, distressing experiences, and memories often referred to as a history of _______ -
Relaxation, walking, healthy eating, proper sleep, setting aside “me” time, taking breaks, rewarding yourself
Self Care
Boredom stinks, it’s like waiting around in the lobby, so if you want to get rid of boredom you need get yourself a ____
This is not an auditory hallucination rather it’s positive silent voice in your head guiding you in which way you should go
What does the acronym PTSD stand for?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
This evidence-based approach to maintaining recovery from addiction involves identifying triggers and warning signs and then developing specific coping strategies to avoid a return to negative behaviors.
Relapse Prevention
Maintain limits with self and others, protecting your personal and emotional space, avoid negativity
Setting *or Maintaining Boundaries
Working, raising kids, and having places you need to be, are all different forms of ______
TWO ANSWERS You’ve got to give these to get these and when you have these for yourself you show these to others
Love and Respect