Anger Plan
Calming Tools
The Brain
Making Repairs

What is positive self-talk?

Talking to ourselves in a helpful, kind way. 


What is an Anger Plan?

A plan that helps us know what to do when we have big, angry feelings. 

Rate it, Breathe, Take a break


What tool did we do at the beginning of each group where we thought of positive things in our lives?

3 good things


Tell us about the brain's 3 stress responses. Clue- the 3 responses start with "f". 

Fight, Flight, Freeze. 


The 3 A's are admit, apologize, and amend. Give an example of apologizing. 

I am sorry for... 


You are taking a really hard spelling test. What positive self-talk can you use to keep going and do your best?

This is really stressful, but I am just going to try my hardest. I will get through this. 


Where is your safe place at school if you need a break?

Take a walk, ask to visit with trusted adult, reset zone


Show us a breathing strategy. 

Finger tapping

Hand breathing

Belly breaths

Square breathing

Where might you feel anger in your body?

hands clench, breathing fast, heart beats faster, face gets red, or muscles in body tighten. 


The 1st A is admit. Give an example of what admitting can sound like. 

I didn't do my work during class. Instead I was talking with my friend. 

Why is it important to practice positive self-talk?

Our thoughts impact our feelings and actions. When we think positively, we are going to feel better and make better choices. 


Think about the Anger Iceberg- are there other emotions underneath anger?

Yes- lots! Often when feeling angry, we actually have many other emotions going on as well. 


Do our thoughts impact our feelings and actions?


Tell us about the "lid flip". 

When your "lid flips" your thinking brain (PFC) can't think or solve problems and your emotion brain takes over. 

You need to breathe to get your thinking brain back on. 


The 3rd A is amend. What does it mean to amend a problem?

Making it better- might include writing an apology note, making a plan to solve the problem, or fixing what you broke.