would you live in a house of glass or mirrors
glass you might get lost in a mirror hosue
what invention lets you look through a wall
a window
what color is the sea
clear bule
what team is eden hazerd
real madrid C.F
what books has a pig & a little girl named fern with a bother and a spider
charlottes web
would you live alone or with your frineds
with frineds you will be alone
what has to be broken before you can use it
an egg
what is the 8th plantet from from the sun
what book has a girl that has braces but dosent like it but her friends support her
would you live with your friends or parents
which month has 28 days
all of them
what book has a a girl that was getting builled but at the end is friends with the bully
there was 500,000 pepole on a crews ship but when they arrived not a sinngle person was on bored how is that possibe
all of them wrere married
what comes 2 times a week and one time in a year
the letter E