Exam preparation
Time management
Problems & Civic
What are the four different ways that people can take notes?
Tabular Pattern Column Linear
What are two reasons why someone might stress before an exam.
Poor preparation/ poor time management. → cramming the night before the exam. Poor study habits - failure to organize text information. Thinking about previous test performance Comparing yourself to other students
What does self-awareness mean?
Knowing who you are as a person.
Why is it important to manage your time effectively?
You will be successful as a student - you can review and get a better understanding. Less stress. You will be able to enjoy your free time.
What is an example of a problem?
You fail an exam. You have a problem working in groups. You don’t have enough time to do all your assignments.
Which type of note-taking looks like a flowchart?
How can you cope with test anxiety?
Don't think about fear; just think about what you have to do. Stay relevant. Relax; you're in control. Take a slow, deep breath You should expect some anxiety; it's a reminder not to panic and to relax and cope steadily with the situation.
Write down two ways people can achieve self-awareness:
Meditate/Pray Write down your key plans and priorities. Take psychometric tests Ask trusted friends. Get regular feedback at work.
Write down two ways to help you manage your time.
Be systematic. Find out the requirements. Use a chart to organize your time. Prioritize what’s important.
How are problems solved?
Using tools and experience.
What is an advantage of note-taking?
Helps to organise ideas Helps memory Helps understanding Makes it easier to review for exams Helps to complete assignments.
Write down two tips to give to someone before they take an exam.
Review old tests Predict questions and prepare answers Review notes daily after class Keep up with the reading Review highlighted text Join a study group Create charts Answer end of chapter questions
What does self-responsibility mean?
Being responsible for different things.
What does procrastination mean?
The action of delaying or postponing something.
What are the steps in the problem solving framework?
Recognize the problem. Describe the problem in terms of the field. Plan a solution. Execute the plan. Evaluate the solution.
What is an advantage of tabular note-taking?
Useful for codifying and categorising information. Useful for revision aids.
How should you deal with difficult questions?
Eliminate options you know to be incorrect. Give each option of a question the "true-false test:" Question options that grammatically don't fit with the stem. Question options that are totally unfamiliar to you. Question options that contain negative or absolute words. "Look alike options" If you don’t know, move on and come back to it if you have time.
Write down three causes of stress.
Poor time management skills Lack of sleep Work problems Family Problems
Write down two ways to avoid procrastination:
Believe that the future is real. Stay in the moment. Minimize distractions; focus. Have some will power.
Why is it important to know how to problem solve?
To solve the problem quickly. To avoid the same problem in the future.
What is an advantage of column note taking?
Separates notes from your own comments. Separates key points from detail. Shows the organisation of material more clearly and visually. Distinguishes key points for revision.
What is one tip to give to a student who is answering multiple choice questions?
Circle or underline important words in the item. Read all the answer choices before selecting one. Cross out answer choices you are certain are not correct Do not change your initial answer unless you are sure another answer is correct.
Write down two stress management techniques to relieve stress.
Exercise regularly Get enough sleep Eat a balanced diet – avoid caffeine etc Improve your time management skills Talk with friends about your problems
What happens when you have poor management skills?
You will not be successful. You will be stressed. You will not be able to enjoy your free time.
What is something a citizen can do for his/her community?
Obeying the law Contributing to society and the community Loving his/her country Respecting all nationalities Believing in doing what is right Trying to help others