What was the miracle that Jesus performed for the fishermen?
When they couldn't catch all day, Jesus had the men cast and they caught many fish.
Who was Jesus telling to be born again?
What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding?
Jesus turned water into wine.
What did the blind man do after Jesus healed him?
He followed Jesus, praising God.
Who were the fishermen Jesus called to be his disciples?
Simon, James, and John.
Why does Jesus compare the Holy Spirit to wind?
We can’t see it, know where it comes from, or where it's going.
Who told Jesus they ran out of wine at the wedding?
Mary, His mother.
How was the blind man able to be healed?
Because of his faith in Jesus.
What did the fishermen do after Jesus performed a miracle for them?
They left all their things behind and followed Jesus.
Why do we need to be born again?
To enter the kingdom of God.
Why did Jesus tell Mary "My hour has not yet come"?
It was not time for Jesus to reveal Himself as the Messiah.
How much fish did the fishermen catch after Jesus' miracle? (hint: not a number!)
They caught so much fish their boats started sinking!
What did Jesus mean when He told his disciples to "fish for people"?
To tell others the Good News about the Messiah/Jesus Christ.
What does it mean to be "born of water and spirit"?
Born of water: to be baptized
Born of spirit: to allow the Holy Spirit to transform our spirit.
How did Jesus turn water into wine?
Jesus told the servants to fill the jars with water.
Why did Mary and the blind man ask Jesus to help them?
They both had faith He could perform miracles for them.