The character majoring in zoology and religious studies.
Who is Pi Patel?
“Mr. Patel, we don’t believe your story.”
Who is Mr. Tomohiro Okamoto?
The most important concept that Pi uses to keep Richard Parker from attacking him
What is territories?
The destination/location that Pi earned his name from.
A Swimming Pool
The only animal that survived the lifeboat
Who is Richard Parker?
“I don’t believe in religion. Religion is darkness”
Who is Mr. Satish Kumar?
The most dangerous animal in the zoo according to Pi
Where Pi ends up when his raft finally reaches civilized land?
What is Mexico?
The character who interview Pi after his journey
Who is Mr. Tomorhiro Okamoto?
“Figs! Do you have a fig? Please can I have a piece? I beg you. Only a little piece. I’m starving.”
Who is The Blind Sailor?
The sound does Richard parker make that expresses “friendliness and harmless intentions
What is prusten?
The reason Pi writes so small in his diary
What is "He’s afraid that he will run out of paper."
The first atheist Pi met
Who is Mr. Satish Kumar?
“Isn’t telling about something – using words, English or Japanese – already something of an invention? Isn’t just looking upon this world already something of an invention?”
Who is Pi Patel?
The ship workers threw Pi overboard in hopes that this animal would leave the lifeboat.
What is the Hyena?
What Pi saw on the unique island in the tree that terrified him.
What is "Human Teeth"?
The character who converts Pi to Christianity
Who is Father Martin?
“What if Piscine had stuck this hand through the bars of the cage one day to touch the pretty orange fur? Better a goat than him, no?”
Who is Santosh Patel (Pi's Father)?
The circumstances that lead Pi's father to say "Life will defend itself no matter how small it is. Every animal is ferocious and dangerous. It may not kill you, but it will certainly injure you.”
What is Pi’s dad teaching him about the tiger and the goat
The amount of days Pi spent at sea.
What is 227 days?