Any 4 Friends of Abu Bakr (RA) who accepted his invitation to Islam?
1. Uthman (RA)
2. Talha (RA)
3. Zubair (RA)
4. Abu Ubaidah (RA)
5. Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA)
6. Abdul Rehman bin Auf (RA)
Prophet (PBUH) met with __________ on 4th Heaven?
Idrees (AS)
Makkan Prisoners taken by Muslims at Nakhlah before Badar?
Uthman and Naufil
5 members of confederates who jumped across trench?
1. Amr bin Abdul Wud
2. Naufil
3. Ikramah
4. Dharrar
5. Hubairah
How many Muslims and Makkans lost their lives in clash between battalions of Khalid and Ikramah?
2 Muslims
12 Quraysh
What is the name of Prophet's (PBUH) maternal grandmother?
What is the name of Jesus' brithplace?
Who led 50 archers on the pass?
Abdullah bin Jubair (RA)
3 ally tribes who came to support Shurahbil for Battle of Mautah?
Details of spoils war and Prisoners Muslims got from battle of Hunain?
40k Goats
24k Camels
6k Prisoners
Names of Ambassadors of Quraysh to Abyssinia?
Amr bin Aas
Abdullah bin Abu Rabiah
3 names out of 6 who started the movement against boycott of Banu Hashim?
1. Abul Bukhtari
2. Mutim bin Adi
3. Hasham bin Amr
4. Hakeem bin Hazam
5. Zam'ah bin Aswad
6. Zuhair bin Umayyah
Who led the attack in outskirts of Madinah?
Kurz bin Jabir
Who was deputy of Madinah when Prophet (PBUH) left for Khyber?
Sibaa bin Arfatah
Which tribes made alliance with Muslims after Expedition of Tabuk?
Who suggested the idea of arbitration over fixing of Blackstone?
Umayyah bin Mugheerah
5 Promises of Pledge of Aqabah 2?
1. Obedience of Prophet (PBUH)
2. Defending the Prophet (PBUH)
3. Fear no one but Allah
4. Charity
5. Enjoin good and Forbid Evil.
Poets involved in motivating Makkans to avenge Badar?
Abu Azzah
Ka'ab bin Ashraf
Forts of Khyber?
Where did Prophet (PBUH) camp between performing Umrah and Hajj during his farewell Hajj?
What is the verse of Quran about Makkans using Music, stories and poetry to divert people from Allah?
(The decision of Judge is Final)
"And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks to mislead from the path of Allah."
Muslim Preachers sent to Yathrib after first Pledge of Aqabah?
Musab bin Umair (RA)
Abdullah bin Umme Maktoom (RA)
Who led the Campaign of Nakhlah before Badar and how many companions were there?
Abdullah bin Jahash
12 Companions
When did Confederates retreat from Madinah?
23 Zulqadah, 5 AH.
What 3 things happened on Sunday (a day before his demise)?
1. Prophet (PBUH) Freed slaves.
2. Prophet (PBUH) Donated last 7 Denars.
3. Ayesha (RA) had to borrow oil for lantern.