kitchen safety
budgeting and money
neighborhood cleanup
fire safety

True or false:

its ok to play in the kitchen while the stove is on.

False : it's Never ok to play in the kitchen while the stove is on. you could get hurt or burnt very badly.


you go to stewarts and buy 1 coffee for $0.99, a  bag of Dorritos  for $2.99 and 1 bottle of water for $1.99. you hand the cashier a $20.00. how much change will you get back?

$ 13.03 is the change.


what animal has a duck bill and fur, has webbed feet and a flat tail., and is also a mamale. 

 A Platypus!!


True or false: 

it is ok to walk into the road without looking for cars.



True of false:

once you exit the building for a fire, it is ok to come back in if you forgot your coat.



is it ok to metal in the microwave?

No! it may cause a fire.


you just got your paycheck of $700.00 and you have to pay your phone bill of $250.00 and you have to pay for your cable bill of $175.00. how much money do you have left after paying those 2 bills?

$275.00 leftover


True or false:

an octopus can escape out of any container or tank that they are placed in. they are great escape artist.

True: they are very smart and know how to unscrew and lift with their tentacles.


when walking. is it ok to leave the group without staff knowing?

No it is not. for your safety, staff must always know where you are.


is it ok to cook and leave your food unattended in the kitchen cooking on the stove?

No. it is not ok because it may cause a fire!


is it ok to leave paper or cloth on the stove while it is on?

No: That is a fire Hazard!


you have to go to the grocery store and buy tonight's dinner. you only have $15. and you are making spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread and broccoli. Pasta is 0.99 ground beef is 5.99 . garlic bread is 2.29 and broccoli is 1.00. how much change will you get back?   

$4.73 is your change.


when this animal grows up, he is going to be king.

all of the ladies do the hunting for him and the pride.

when he roars, you can hear him a mile away.

what animal am i?

 A Lion!!


when crossing the road what steps do we take before crossing the street?

stop at the corner, press for the pedestrian signal. wait for the signal to go, look both ways , and then cross the road.


when practicing a fire drill at life prep. where do we meet in the parking lot?

by the ortho sign at the back end of the parking lot.


True or False:

it is ok to run with a knife in your hands?

False: that is very dangerous and you or someone else may get seriously hurt.


True or False: 

a deposit is when you take money OUT of the bank.

False: a deposit is when you put money INTO the back.


i have 4 legs. i love to play with people. anywhere you go i want to go to. they say i'm your best friend. may little ones are called puppies.

what animal am i?

A Dog!!


what items do you need to have to go out for neighborhood cleanup?

Gloves, Grabbers, garbage bin/bag, proper footwear.


True or false:

when you hear the fire alarm, there is No Rush to go outside? you can continue doing your activity?


when you hear the fir alarm you should hurry to get out of the building and stop what you are doing.


is it safe to take a hot baking pan out of the oven with no oven mitts on?

No it is Not safe to touch any hot pans without an oven mit.


taking your money out of the back is called a _________.

Withdrawal : the action of taking money out of the bank.


i have a hard back and maybe a soft tummy.

sometimes i can be a little snappy, but mostly i just go slow. i can live for a very long time. if i get stuck on my back i may need help. i live in the sea or a pond or a lake. i lay eggs. 

what animal am i?

A Turtle!


while in neighborhood. is it a good idea to share the grabbers, or be stingy and not share?

share: sharing is caring!!


it is ok to touch a hot stove after you just turned it off?

 No. the stove is still hot. give it time to cool off.