What is a producer?
An organism that can produce its own food.
What is a decomposer?
An organism that breaks down organic matter.
Maple and Oak trees are....
What does nonnative species mean?
Species that are introduced to an environment outside their native range.
True or False: we have tornados in Indiana?
What is a consumer?
An organism that eats other organisms for energy
Fungi, bacteria, and invertebrates
Beavers are what kinds of consumers?
What does extinct mean?
Means the last member of that species died so there are no more left on Earth.
Is a tropical storm with heavy rains and strong winds
What are the three types of consumers?
omnivore, carnivore, herbivore
What are the chemicals bacteria, and fungi produce to break down organic matter?
A mink is what kind of consumer?
What does endangered species mean?
In danger of becoming extinct.
What two natural disasters are both started by the moving of Earth's plates?
Volcanic eruption and Earthquakes
What shows the transfer of energy through organisms?
Food chains
What is organic matter?
Matter that comes from living things.
What is plankton?
small organisms that drift freely in the water.
What does threatened species mean?
Low population that could become endangered.
What is the gas plants produce during photosynthesis
What does a plant need for photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water
Where are decomposers in a food chain?
They begin and end a food chain.
What is a food web?
a bunch of food chains that over lap or have some connection.
What are the nonnative species in Indiana that we talked about in the book?
Zebra mussels or the round Globy
What is the start of every food chain?
The Sun