Circulatory System
Respiratory System
Anatomy of Heart
True or False

These are the 3 basic groups of blood vessels

What are Veins, Arteries, and Capillaries


The main job of lungs is to do this

To supply your blood with oxygen and remove CO2


What is Aorta


White blood cells help your blood to clot

False, WBC help fight off infection/pathogens


These are the blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart

What are Veins


This is the first chamber of the heart that deoxygenated blood is brought to

What is the Right Atrium


When you exhale air, does the air pass through the trachea or the pharynx first?

Exhaled air travels from the lungs, to the trachea, up the larynx, to the pharynx, and out the mouth/nose



What is Right Atrium


If a person has damaged platelets, this person could potentially die from a small cut

True, platelets aid in the blood clotting process


These are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart

What are Arteries


This makes up the majority of the blood

What is plasma


This helps to trap particles that we breath in with oxygen so that the particles don't travel to the lungs

What is mucus



What is Left Ventricle


Even plates have circulatory systems, the plants have a tube called xylem to carry food and nutrients

False, while plants do have circulatory systems, the tube xylem carries water, not food and nutrients


The muscle that helps us pull in and push out air to our lungs

What is the Diaphragm


This is where blood cells are produced

What is bone marrow


You are given a sample from a person's lungs. Looking at it under the microscope, you see many little round sacs that are covered in capillaries. What structures are you looking at?

What are alveoli, this is where gas exchange takes place, the oxygen from the lungs to the blood and the CO2 in the blood travels to the lungs to be exhaled.


8. Is blood oxygenated here and where is it going?

8 is the pulmonary veins and it is carrying blood from the lungs to the heart before it is sent throughout the body so yes, blood is oxygenated


All arteries carry oxygenated blood

False, most often they do carry oxygenated blood except when they carry blood from the heart to the lungs (those would carry deoxygenated blood)


These are tiny, thin walled blood vessels that allow the exchange of gases and nutrients between the blood and cells and are located between arteries and veins

What are capillaries


This type of blood cell contains hemoglobin

What is red blood cells


Imagine you are listening to a man and a woman sing. The man is singing loudly with a very low pitch while the woman is singing a soft but high pitch. Which singer is passing more air over his/her vocal cords?

What is the man, because volume is controlled by the amount of air


10. Is the blood oxygenated and where is it going?

10 is the pulmonary artery, taking deoxygenated blood to the lungs.


The path of blood starting at the Vena Cava: Right Atrium > Right Ventricle > Pulmonary Artery > Lungs > Pulmonary Veins > Left Atrium > Left Ventricle > Aorta > Body > Back to the Vena Cava (restarts all over again)

True! This all occurs in about a minute!


These tubes transport water up from the roots to the rest of the plant

What are Xylem