Lab Safety
Scientific Inquiry
Living Things
Populations & Communities
Name 2 different careers in life science
What is "botanist, marine biologist, park ranger, forestry technician, health care worker"
What should we do with our hair during lab?
What is "tie it back"
What are 2 attitudes that successful scientists possess?
What is "curiositiy, honesty, open-mindedness & skepticism, creativity"
What is the basic unit of structure and function in organisms?
What is "the cell"
Name 2 different types of habitat, and define the term
What is "ex: coral reef, rainforest; a habitat is the environment that provides the things an organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce"
Provide 2 examples of a qualitative observation
What is "the texture of the table, the smell of the cinnamon bread"
What is the first thing you need to do after an accident occurs in the lab?
What is "notify the teacher, then follow directions"
An experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time is called a _____________
What is "controlled experiment"
What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph? Provide one example of an organism in each category.
What is "autotrophs make their own food, while heterotrophs can't make their own food so need to feed on other organisms. Auto = plants, hetero = animals, fungi"
The nonliving parts of an organism's habitat are described as being....
What is "abiotic"
An appropriate definition of science would be which of the following? a.) the answer to all the world's problems b.) a certain way of writing c.) a way of learning about the natural world
What is "c"
Which safety hazard do we need to be aware of when working with electronic equipment?
What is "electric shock, fire"
Is this a good hypothesis? Why or why not? "Dogs are better than cats"
What is, "no, it is not testable - how would you design an experiment to prove this?"
Describe Louis Pasteur's experiment. What idea of the time did he disprove, and how?
What is "2 flasks with curved necks, 1 was boiled, the other was not. Flask necks allowed Oxygen in but not bacteria from the air. Observed that unboiled broth was cloudy after a few days. When he broke the neck off the boiled broth and left it for a few days, it also became cloudy. He helped disprove the idea of spontaneous generation"
The study of how living things interact with each other and with their environment is called _______
What is "ecology"
True or False: when you make an INFERENCE, you make a forecast of what will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence.
What is "False - this is the definition of PREDICTION. When you infer, you explain or interpret things you observe based on what you already know."
Which 2 things do you need to do before you leave the lab?
What is "clean your station, wash your hands"
Design a quick experiment in which you can demonstrate the meaning of the 3 types of variables - explain your experiment and define the variables
What is "control variables, manipulated variable, responding variable"
Name 4 of the 6 characteristics of living things
What is "cellular organization, similar chemicals (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids), energy use, response to surroundings, growth and development, reproduction"
List the following terms in order, from smallest level to largest: ecosystem, organism, community, population
What is "organism, population, community, ecosystem"
Name the rest of the 5 major scientific skills (hint: the 1st one is "observing")
What is "observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, making models"
Sketch the symbol for "general safety awareness" in the lab.
What is "see board sketch"
Name the 6 steps of the scientific order!
What is "posing questions, developing a hypothesis, designing an experiment, collecting and interpreting data, drawing conclusions, communicating"
What does the word "homeostasis" mean, and why is it important to life?
What is "the maintenance of stable internal conditions. It's important for cells because they only function within a small range of temperature, pH, etc"
A horse and a donkey can mate, and the resulting offspring is called a mule. Why are horses and donkeys considered separate species, even though they can mate?
What is "because the offspring ALSO have to be able to reproduce, and mules are sterile"