How many shells do bivalves have?
What are 2 shells
What is a symbiotic relationship
It is a relationship where both parties(plants/animals) benefit
What is a jellyfish?
A cnidarian
This body system protects you from diseases. What is it?
The immune system
What type of cells carry oxygen throughout the body?
Red blood cells
How many shells do Gastropods have
What is 1 shell
What is the name of the fertilizer that is produced by earthworms?
What is compost
90% of arthropods are what?
This body system takes in oxygen for your body and also disposes of Carbon Dioxide
The respiratory system
What 3 jobs do bones perform
They provide strength, produce blood cells, and store calcium and other minerals
Name 3 types of mollusk groups
What are bivalves, gastropods, and cephlapods
What structure do all mollusks have?
One muscular foot for moving and a mantle that secretes a special shell substance
Name the 3 most common cnidarian groups
Jellyfish, coral, and sea anemones
This body system is allow you to move. This system constantly has parts that are either contracted or relaxed. What system is it?
The muscular system
Many cells that work together are called ____?
What group of invertebrates is known for their hollow bodies and stinging tentacles
What are cnidarians
Name a type of segmented worm
What is an earthworm
What are some characteristics of an arthropod
6 Jointed legs, wings, and 3 body segments
This part of your body protects you from the outside and senses your surroundings.
Many ______ work together to form your organs. What is supposed to be in the blank
Why is a sponge considered an animal and not a plant
They do not produce their own food and they reproduce with eggs
Name 3 groups of worms
What are round, segmented, and flat worms
What do echinoderms have in common (2 specific answers required)
spiny skin and water filled tubes that are used to move
This system is needed to send communications to your brain.
The nervous system
Many tissues that work together form our organs. when all of these work together the make up a ____ what?
A system/body system