Measuring Up (LS.1)
Blast from the Past
P is the important

Identify Bird X.

What is Geospiza? (Pathway: 1b, 2a)


What type of cell is this?

What is a Plant Cell?


Of the scientists listed, who first observed living cells under a microscope? 

A Robert Hooke

B Charles Darwin 

C Anton van Leeuwenhoek 

D Gregor Mendel

What is C- Anton Van Leeuwenhoek?


Which of the following is a correctly written name?

A-Nandina Domestica

B-nanadina domestica

C-Nandina domestica

D-nandina Domestica

What is C - Nandina domestica?

Capital first letter of first word

Second work, 1st letter is lowercase

In italics or underlined.


Cells that do NOT have a membrane-bound nucleus are called _____. Like this example below. (bonus points if you can name it)

What is prokaryotic? 

Bonus: Bacteria (100 extra points)


What is the mass of the cube? (Be sure to include the units)

What is 190.2 g?


What is the function of #4?

What is to temporally store materials (water/food/waste) in the cell? (Vacuole)


What are the kingdoms that belong to the domain Eukarya?

What is 

Protist,  Fungi,  Plants, Animals?


The physical expression of a gene is called__.

What is phenotype?


Monocot or Dicot?

What is Monocot?

Bonus: Can you tell me which Gymnosperm, Angiosperm, Seedless Vascular or Nonvascular Seedless Plant?


What equipment would a scientist most likely use to measure the volume of a liquid? 

A Electron microscope 

B Graduated cylinder 

C Triple beam balance 

D Ruler

What is B- a graduated Cylinder?


Correctly label the steps to Mitosis. A____ B____ C___ D____

What is 

A -Telophase

B- Metaphase

C- Prophase

D- Anaphase


What Kingdom do I belong?

I have single celled organisms and multi-celled organisms, some are autotrophs, some are heterotrophs, all have a nucleus. Good luck.

What is the Kingdom Protist?


A trait that is masked (covered up) is called ____.

What is recessive?


Flowering plants, such as rose bushes and cherry trees,

A lack xylem and phloem

B have cones to protect their seeds 

C reproduce only by spores

D are classified as angiosperms

What is D- classified as angiosperm?


Stella thinks that if people are exposed to ultraviolet light then they are more likely to get skin cancer. Stella designs an experiment wherein sample A consisted of people were exposed to ultraviolet light and sample B was not.

Identify the Independent Variable & the Dependent Variable in this experiment.

What is the exposure to ultraviolet light is the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE(test) & having/not having skin cancer is the DEPENDENT VARIABLE (measure)?


What process produces sex cells (gametes)?

What is meiosis?

I am a producer, I live near water, I have vessels, I reproduce using spores.. to which group of plants do I belong? 

What is Seedless Vascular?


Who proposed the theory that evolution happens as a result of natural selection?

Who is Charles Darwin?

The movement of water and minerals up the stem is done by the ______, while sugar is moved down from the leaf by the _____.

What is the xylem (1st blank) and phloem (2nd blank)?


What are the raw materials for photosynthesis?

What is Water (H20), Sunlight energy, and Carbon Dioxide (CO2)?


If an egg is placed into water, what will happen?

What is the egg will swell?


Who took this picture? And what structure is it off?

Who is Rosalind Franklin and what is DNA?


What percentage of offspring would show the dominant phenotype?

What is 75%? 

They have A which is the dominant allele.


What reproductive process is show in the bacteria below?

What is binary fission?