What is important for you mouth when you get up in the morning ?
Brush your teeth
What is Self Advocacy?
Speaking up for yourself or others
Where does our president live ?
The white house
It is Important to wash your hands with ______& ______warm water
Santa Maria is a _____________
How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
2 X a day
True or False - I can only talk to my friends on the weekend
False -you have the right to talk to your friends anytime that is appropriate
Name a Staff at VTC
Any Name that is correct
How we cover our mouth when we cough or sneeze
If you don’t have a tissue, tuck your nose and mouth into the crook of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Santa Maria is in the state of ________
Besides brushing our teeth, what else do we do to keep our mouth health?
Floss or drink plenty of water
True or False - If I have difficulty with expressing what i think and feel, I can get support to help me
True - By asking my support team I can get assistance with expressing myself
How many class rooms are in QLS
How do you protect yourself from the sun rays ?
Sunblock - Hat - Shade - Umbrella
Who is the president of the United States ?
Joe Biden
We should replace our toothbrush every ______ month's
We should replace our toothbrush every 3 month's
True or False - I can not spend my money on clothes or shoes
False - you have the right to spend your money on items you want
If you have a complaint
Any Staff
What State do we live in ?
Who is the CEO of VTC ?
Jason Telander
How often should you see a dentist ?
Every 6 to 12 month's
What is the Lanterman Act?
important piece of legislation that was passed in 1969. This is the California law that says people with developmental disabilities and their families have a right to get the services and supports they need to live like people without disabilities.
What is the most important to remember at VTC
What City Do We Live In ?
Santa Maria
What is an Affrirmation?
a positive statement to repeat about ourselves
""I am Spectacular and I Shine""