During A Natural Disaster
At Home
In The Workplace
In The Streets

If you're on fire, you should ____________, _____________, & ____________. 

Stop, Drop, and Roll


What is worst to leave on a stove, a dish towel or metal fork?

Dish towel


What are two things that a resume should have?

A. Your name and pet's name

B. Your name and age

C. Your name and the date of your first job

C. Your name and date of your first job


True or False- You should always carry your ID, insurance cards, emergency contact, and social security card.



True or False, if you're in a flood, you should get to the highest point?



Where is the best place to store dairy or perishables in the fridge?

A. Door of fridge

B. Back of Fridge

C. In the fruit drawer

B. Back of Fridge


Traditional professional attire for and interview, should include:

A. open toe shoes

B. Suit & black tie

C. Red business suit

B. suit and black tie


When you're out in public, it is most important you should do:

A. Be aware of your surroundings

B. Check your phone constantly

C. Say hello to those that speak to you 

A. Be aware of your surroundings


During an earthquake, what is the most important 2 things you should do?

Protect your head and get under a desk or arch way.


How should one unthaw frozen meat? In cool water in the fridge or in warm water in a container on the counter?

Cool water in the fridge


When you presenting or doing an interview with unknown people, what should you care about the most?

A. Your clothes matching

B. Being prepared

C. Your resume being printed on special resume paper

B. Being prepared


Which is not the ideal person to ask for help when lost?

A. Police officer

B. Store clerk

C. Your Mom

B. Store Clerk