Mental Health

Social Skills

What are 5 signs of depression?

What is....


When you lean in, make eye contact, and smile while talking with someone, it shows that you are...

What is interested (or genuinely interested)

__________, ____________, and ___________. This is what you should do when you need to escape a fire and you're inside.
What is stop, drop, and roll

What number should you call if there is a mental health emergency?

What is 9-1-1, text 741-741, 1-800-950-NAMI, others??


Name 3 things that are typically in your control.

Our words, how we treat others, how we care for ourselves


When you disagree with something someone says, you should compromise and not ____________.

What is argue

an item you should never leave on or near a hot stove surface
What is paper OR oven mitt OR plastic spatula

You should never put this item in a sink full of water when you're washing dishes...

What is a knife


Name 4 things that are typically out of our control?

What is other people, weather, gov't, genetic health factors, etc.

When you're in the lunch room and you just remember you forget to tell your friend, who is sitting 4 tables over, something about your plans this weekend...what should you do?
What is get up and go to tell them. It's rude to yell over the other tables because then you are disrupting other people's conversations and lunch.
If your toast is stuck in the toaster, what should you do?
What is unplug the toaster and get it out with a fork

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

What is Spongebob Squarepants


What do you do if you or a friend is feeling suicidal?

Call crisis hotlines, do not be alone, remove weapons, talk, etc.

If someone is talking to someone else but you need to tell that person something, you should...
What is be patient OR not interrupt OR wait your turn
Home injuries and fires are more likely to occur when you are _______________.
What is cooking

What does the acronym HALT stand for when making important choices and decisions?

What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired

What 2 factors put someone at risk for mental health conditions?

Genetic and environmental risk factors

When you are having a conversation with someone, you should always be aware of your _________ ____________.
What is body language

When you feel that your monthly medication has worked enough and you have extra pills left, what do you do with the extras?

TRICK QUESTION - if it is a scheduled medication supposed to last that whole month, CONTINUE taking it! Just because we "feel better" does not mean to stop taking our meds!

If they are truly extra, dispose of them in a safe way like a pharmacy.


Name 4 support groups for mental well-being?

AA, NA, Alanon, Co-dependennts Anon, NEDA, Gambers Association, TARA for personality disorders