social skills

What liquid is best for you to drink most frequently?

What is Water


What should you do before making or eating a meal?

What is wash your hands with soap.


True or False: It is cheap to eat fast food daily.

False. It is much cheaper to go grocery shopping and prepare meals at home; plus it is healthier!


Name 3 things you can do to be friendly to someone.

Say hi, smile at them, ask them to join you.


True or False: Using alcohol or drugs is a healthy way to cope with stress?

False. There are many healthy ways to cope with stress other than drugs and alcohol which can create more stress.


What is considered good oral hygiene?

What is brushing and flossing your teeth at least 2 times per day and more frequently as needed and going to the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning.


True or False: Attending college is impossible if I don't have money.

False. Financial aid is available for all students and there are numerous scholarships available as well. Community college is often a good option to start out and save money.


This is a type of nonverbal communication in which physical behaviors, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey information. examples include facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement and touch.

What is body language.


True or False? Exercising 2-3 times per hour is recommended for your health.

False. 2-3 times per week is recommended.


True or False: Showering one time per week is sufficient to maintain proper hygiene.

False. Showering daily including washing our hair and our entire body including feet, armpits, face and private parts with soap is best.


What are the most common bills to pay in a home?

Electricity, Water, Telephone, Cable, Taxes, Mortgage/Rent


How can you have a healthy debate with a friend?

Listen to their opinion, try to understand their perspective, share your opinion in a respectful way, agree to disagree.


How much should you eat in one day?

3 balanced meals plus small snacks in between. 


What is the purpose of deodorant?

What is to prevent sweat and odor in our armpits. Deodorant should be worn every day and sometimes needs to be applied more than once, especially if playing a sport or exercising.


How much does it cost to buy a car?

A used car can be purchased for any amount but usually not less than $500. A new car typically costs at least $15,000. Depending on the make, model, mileage, year, and condition of the car, prices vary greatly. 


Expressing your thoughts, feelings, and opinions in a way that makes your views and needs clearly understood by others, without putting down their thoughts, feelings or opinions is called what?

What is assertive communication.

True or False: Your weight is most important in determining how healthy you are.

False. People's weight vary greatly based on many factors including muscle mass and bone density. The number on the scale means little compared to how you feel and how you take care of your body.


how often should laundry be done?

It is important to wash sheets, towels and clothes on a weekly basis. Everyday you should wear a clean pair of underwear and clothes including socks. If you need to do laundry more often than weekly to do this, that is important. 


True or False: The purpose of a credit card is to use when you don't have the money to buy something so you can pay for it later.

False. Credit cards should be used responsibly so you can pay most or all of the balance on a monthly basis. Using credit cards to buy things you can't afford leads to building up a lot of debt. Interest rates on credit cards are high and the longer it takes to pay it off, the more money you pay. This impacts your credit score as well. 


What are the 4 zones of personal space?

Intimate (0-2 ft), personal (2-4 ft), social (4-12 ft) and public (more than 12 ft).