Why do we wear black in the industry?
What is "It looks more professional and convinces the brain to spend more money"
A non compete can broken by the stylist with
What is "Legal financial penalties"
A type of business that protects your personal assets
What is an "LLC"
True or false: A salon owner can dictate your schedule and prices if you are a booth renter
What is "False. You are your own boss"
What is the tax write off for mileage listed by the IRS?
What is " 0.50 cents to the mile"
Why do we suggest full coverage blouses?
What is "out of respect to the opposite gender and their families"
The average timeline for a non compete is
What is "6-24 months"
What does LLC stand for?
What is "Limited Liability Company"
What are some things that can be tax write-offs?
What is "Utilities, Mileage, uniforms, inventory, equipment, renovations, and continuing education classes"
What is something you could say to an employer who requires past experience for the job that you may not have?
What is "I'm coachable"
True or false: It is a good idea to wear your hair in a messy bun for work?
What is "false, take the time to style it"
True or False: A salon owner can legally sue you if you work in a salon within the mileage agreement in the non compete
What is "True"
True or False: You can write off new clothes on your taxes if you wear them to work?
What is "False. The uniform must have the company's logo".
What is a question you should ask your interviewer at the end of your interview session?
What is "Is there anything that makes you hesitant to hire me?"
When must an LLC be renewed?
What should a stylist consider when dressing for work?
What is "If it is appropriate and represents that brand accurately"
True or false: A salon owner can come after your personal assets if you terminate the non compete
What is "False"
What is needed for someone who provides Booth Rent services?
What is "a written contract and a booth rent permit"
Why should you consider adding a spouse or third party to your legal business documents?
What is "They could be held just as accountable in court"
How old must you business be to qualify for other personal loans?
What is "A minimum of 3 years"
True or false: It has been proven that clients spend more money at salons where the stylists wear black?
What is "True"
What should a stylist do before committing to a non compete?
What is "Shadow or assist for 60-90 days first"
What is included in commission pay?
What is "the set percentage of the contracted agreement"
When is it alright to swipe the business bank card at the store?
What is "For decor, maintenance or supplies that pertain to running the business efficiently".
What does it mean to be an hourly contracted employee?
What is "The set hourly rate is the only rate of pay"