Employment and interviews
Health care, Self-care & Resiliency
My first apartment
Financial Management

How old must you be to work in the state of Arizona and what is the minimum wage in Arizona?

You must be at least 14 years old to work in the state of Arizona.

The minimum wage is $12.80 per hour


Who is your health insurance provider in the state of Arizona?



Name 2 ways you can pay rent/bills (electric, water, cable)

Online -through a portal.

In the mail with a money order/cashier's check.

Drop off in person with a money order/cashier's check.


How do you apply for financial aid in college?

Applying for financial aid early is essential. To do this you must fill out a FASFA form which can be found on the school's website. This has to be done yearly and on time. If you are having a hard time finding this document or filling it out contact the school (there are people at the school whose job is to help you do this, so don't be afraid to call). This can then help you receive a PELL GRANT or ETV.


What is a gross income vs a net income?

Income before taxes. This means that if you are making 12 dollars an hour and working 40 hours a week your gross monthly income would be (40 X 12=  480) --> then you would need to multiple this by 4 weeks to know your monthly gross income (480 X 4 =1,920). This means you make $1,920 before taxes. 

Income after taxes (anyone who earns money in the United States is supposed to pay federal income tax, state income tax, social security, and FICA) These come directly off of your paycheck you. So your net income is what you make on your paycheck.


Name 5 personal skills that are beneficial to have in any workplace.

Responsible, creative, hardworking, friendly, team player, patient, quick learner, organized, people person, energetic, bubbly, driven, trustworthy.


What age until you are "on your own" for health insurance?


When you turn 18 years old and transition out of foster care you are eligible for the Young Adult Transitional Insurance Program (YATI). Under YATI you will still receive and be covered under AHCCSS Medical Assistance until the age of 26. HOWEVER, YOU NEED TO re-certify your information each year or you will lose coverage which means paying out of pocket until you reapply (you can do this at https://healthearizonaplus.gov).


Typically speaking, you should not spend more than 30% of your paycheck on rent. If you make $2,048 how much should you be spending on rent? (use a phone calculator)


BUT if you have a roommate who makes the same as you this means you could split rent and afford a place that costs $1,228.80.


What does it mean to be a work-study in college?

Federal Work-Study provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial needs, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. It's available to full-time or part-time students. It's administered by schools participating in the Federal Work-Study Program.

These are available jobs on campus which can make work schedules simpler as the employer (the school) will work with your school schedule. Also, if you apply to be a Resident Advisor "RA" of a dorm you can get housing and food for free"


True or False: Everybody who has chase bank has the same routing number?

TRUE: a routing number is a 9 digit number that identifies the bank you are using.

Your account number is what is individualized.


Name 4 items that are appropriate to wear for an interview and 4 that are not.

NOT: Sweatpants, Ripped Jeans, Tank Tops/Crop Tops, Low Cut Shirts, Flip Flops, Short skirts/shorts, No belly or bum showing, Sweatshirts, Messy Hair/Large Earrings, Too much Cologne/Perfume

YES: Polos/Button Ups, Khakis/Dress Pants/Black Jeans, Dresses (knee length), Skirts (knee length), Blazers, Cardigans, Blouses, Close Toed Shoes, Clothing free of wrinkles and stains


Name 5 different self-care activities

read a book, hang out with friends, eat a healthy meal, listen to music, walk/run, do yoga, lift weights, HITT workout, bath, color/paint/draw, quiet time, call a close friend

"self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what's left of you"


What are 3 things you will be expected to provide on an application for an apartment/townhome/condo/etc.?

Proof of income (including last 2 pay stubs), references (proving you are reliable), application fee, photo ID, previous bank statements, social security number, and possibly proof of a co-signer depending on the rental price.


What is trade school versus college?

Trade schools provide career-focused training for in-demand fields, which can be a practical choice for some careers. Additionally, trade schools offer short completion times and inexpensive tuition rates. trade school programs offer considerably shorter programs than traditional universities, which allows students to enter their career fields faster. (Electrician, Foreman, Cable Technician, Plumber, Automotive (body shop technician), Painter, Relator, Esthetician, Laborer, Inspector, Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, Dental Assistant, Ironworker)

College is typically 4 years. The first year or 2 are broader and you are required to take a variety of classes. The last two years are more focused on your major. 

Generally, with trade school, you know where you want to work and what you are going to do because you have learned the specific skills to do it. Sometimes after college, you have a degree but you do not always know where to work rather you know the general area of work such as (health care, business, etc.)


TRUE OR FALSE: If your credit card payment is more than 30 days late it can stay on your credit report for up to 7 years


This will also impact your credit score and having a poor credit score means higher interest rates when you go to make a big purchase (house/car). This means accumulating more debt!


What are 3 things you should research before an interview?

-the company's values

-how far away the interview is (if you are not early you are late!)

-common interview questions (to better prepare)


What is resilience?

The ability to face adversity and bounce back from a difficult period of time.

Being resilient does not mean you do not feel scared, stressed, or worried. It is not about avoiding negative emotions. It is about the actions you take in response to challenges and uncertainties.


What does it mean to get a document notarized and where can you get a document notarized?

This is a fancy way of proving your identity, willingness, and awareness when signing a document. You can get a document notarized at most UPS stores and the Bank. You can always call ahead of time and ask just so you are not going out of your way. All you will have to do is sign the paper you are supposed to get notarized, show the notary (the employer who is qualified to notarize a document) your ID and they will stamp your paper and you are good to go!

Sometimes a lease agreement needs to be notarized and if you own a house one day you will need to get documents notarized regarding your mortgage. 


Name 5 possible college majors?

Business, Psychology, Nursing, Rehabilitation, Education, Biology, Engineering, Communications, Finance and Accounting, Criminal Justice, Computer Science, English, Sociology, Fine Arts, Journalism, Social Work, Commercial Art & Graphic Design, Computer and Information Systems, History, Liberal Arts, Political Science, Computer Science, Economics


What is considered a good credit score?

700 and above!


Answer this common interview question: What are is your biggest strength and weakness?

It's always good to make your weaknesses your strengths. 

Weakness: I can be too critical of myself. I’ve noticed  I often feel I could have done more, even if objectively, I’ve done well. Earlier in my career, this led to burnout and negative self-talk but over the last few months, I have worked on actively pausing and celebrating my achievements. Not only has this helped my own self-esteem, but it has also helped me genuinely appreciate and recognize my team and other support systems.

Strength: One of my greatest strengths I have is I am a very empathetic person. I am good at relating to other people and making them feel heard. This makes me great at working with a diverse team. 


Do employers provide health insurance?



If you are working full time for a company, the company generally offers you benefits which include healthcare. 

On average, an employer pays 83% of your health insurance plan for single coverage and 73% for family coverage.


Why would someone request payment in the form of a money order or cashier's check?

A cashier's check and a money order ensure that you are good for your money. Normal checks can bounce (meaning if you were to write a check for 400$ but you only had 300$ in your account when the person you paid goes to cash your check they will be told they cannot do so AKA "the check bounced"). With a money order or cashier's check, this cannot happen. These are as good as handing someone cash and can insure the person/company you are paying that you are good for your money


What is a grant vs a loan?

A grant is money that you get for school that you DO NOT have to pay back. A loan you do have to pay back and with interest which can get expensive.

ETV (Arizona education and training voucher program) is a federally-funded, state-administered program that can provide youth who are or were in U.S. foster care with financial assistance for qualified school-related expenses, as well as post-secondary and career advice and guidance. You are eligible until the age of 26. Applies to AZ tuition only.

Federal Pell Grants usually are awarded only to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not earned a bachelor's, graduate, or professional degree. A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. The maximum grant is $6,495


What is the difference between a secured and unsecured credit card?

There is a Secured Credit Card Option. For this option, you deposit money you have onto a credit card and then are allowed to spend the money you deposit. So you are never spending money that you do not have. This is a GREAT OPTION for establishing credit without the possibility of debt. This option is highly recommended when first establishing credit to avoid overspending and the possibility of debt early on.

There are also Unsecured Credit Card Options such as student credit cards which have a $500 credit limit. You must pay back the monthly minimum payment on this card and if you are late it will impact your credit score. People relate your credibility to your credit score. This means if you have a poor credit score you will be charged a higher interest rate when making big purchases (car and house).