If you keep your hands, body and teeth clean then you have good _______________.
Where would I put a box a Mac & Cheese?
Refrigerator, Freezer or Pantry
What should you do as soon as you walk into a room that has at least 1 person in it?
Say hello
Pick out the noun in the sentence:
I love going to school.
If Gabe has $5 and Emily gave him another $5, how much money does he have?
How much toothpaste should you put on your toothbrush?
A pea size amount or a thin line
Once you open a jar of Salsa, do you have to put it in the refrigerator?
When leaving work for the day, what should you say to your co-workers?
Good-bye, have a nice day, enjoy the weekend, etc
Pick out the verb in the sentence:
Ken threw the ball across the room.
How much money do I have if I have:
1 Quarter
1 Dime
1 Nickel
1 Penny
How much shampoo should you use when washing your hair?
About the size of a quarter.
If a recipe asks you to measure out 3 3/4 cup flour, how many time will you need to scoop the 1 cup and how many times will you need to scoop the 1/4 cup?
1 cup: 3 times
1/4 cup: 3 times
If you are scheduled to begin work at 3:00pm but you fell asleep and it is now 2:55pm, what should you do?
Call your employer and let them know you will be late.
Change this sentence and replace the proper nouns to pronouns:
Julio loves playing on Julio's phone.
He loves playing on his phone.
How much money do I have if I have:
3 dimes
2 nickels
Name 2 reasons why you should keep your body clean.
Keep germs away
Smell good
Where do most accidents in a home occur? (What room?)
Would it be appropriate to borrow $20 from your supervisor?
Pick out the adjective in the sentence:
A tall man sat in front of me at the movies.
If I have $10 and bought a snack for $2, how much do I have left?
How often should you replace your toothbrush?
Every six months
If a can of soup said: Servings per container- 3
and Ben and Dylan each had 1 serving, how many servings are left?
One serving
If you are on a 15 minute break and your boss comes in the break room and begins talking to you and you notice you are due back to work, what should you do?
Politely interrupt your boss and let them know you are due back.
Pick out the proper noun in the sentence:
I went to Target after school to get a pair of shoes.
How much money do I have if I have:
3 quarters
1 dime
3 pennies