Life Skills General Knowledge
Social Skills
Hygiene Skills
Safety Skills
Life Skill Scenarios

What are life skills?

skills that are necessary or desirable for full participation in everyday life.


What are social cues? List the definition and one (1) type of social cue.

Definition: verbal or non-verbal signals expressed through the face, body, voice, motion (and more) and guide conversations 

- Facial Expression 

- Body Language 

- Tone of Voice

- Personal space/ boundaries 

What social cue do you think you may struggle with?


How long should you brush your teeth for? 

a. 0 minutes 

b. 2 minutes

c. 1 minute 

d. 4 minutes

2 minutes 

How long do you brush your teeth for? What is your morning/ night time hygiene routine? What other other important things to remember when taking care of your teeth?


Define safety skills. 

Knowing what is safe and what is not safe


COOKING: you are heating up leftovers from last night for lunch. They are wrapped in tinfoil and you plan to microwave them. What is the first thing you should do before heating them up?

Make sure to take off of the tinfoil. 


Why do you need to learn life skills?

  • It helps you to develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes.
  • It enables you to contribute positively to yours and others’ lives by developing expertise and experience.
  • It will help you understand and analyze every situation and come up with the right solution.
  • It will help you in your professional and personal growth
  • Life skills are not just one skill, but a combination of several skills that are very important to us for our overall development.

What are social skills?

a set of learned abilities that enable an individual to interact appropriately in a given social context.


List five (5) types of personal hygiene.

  • cleaning your body every day
  • washing your hands with soap and water after going to the bathroom
  • brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day
  • covering your mouth and nose with a tissue (or your sleeve) when sneezing or coughing
  • washing your hands after handling pets and other animals
  • wearing deodorant daily
  • Having check-ups with your doctor/ dentist/ eye doctor, etc.

Name a sub-type of safety skills.

- People safety

- Fire safety 

- Water safety

- Social safety

How would you define each sub-type?


SOCIAL: Your friend has been continuously ditching you to hang out with one of their other friends. What would you say to them?

All answers correct. 

- Use "I" statements (I feel...because...when you...what I need is...)


List ten (10) different life skills

"Housekeeping Skills": Basic house cleaning, How to cook, Basic sewing, Home repairs 101, How to unclog a toilet/ sink, How to use kitchen appliances 

"Technical Skills": How to use a calendar, How to write, Public speaking, effective communication, technology 1010, how to back up files, how to protect passwords, how to research 

"Survival Skills": how to keep yourself safe, emergency preparedness, basic first aid, how to survive without electricity, how to read a map, car repair 101, how to write a resume/ cover letter 

"Money Management Skills:" how to budget, how to avoid/ get out of debt, how to make a major purchase, balance your bank account, how to use coupons, how to organize financial record, money management/ investing, selecting a tax professional, effective negotiation, calculating a tip 

"Self-awareness skills": understanding your purpose, how to prioritize, understanding your values, how to focus, how to have a sense of humor, basic formal etiquette, basic civics

"Relationship Skills": listening/ communication, valuing/ expressing respect and love, how to accept compliments, emotional intelligence, how to write thank you messages 

"Wellness and Mental Health Skills": critical thinking/ problem solving, exercise and nutrition, self-care, hygiene

Which of these do you think you excel with/ struggle with? Are there skills not listed on here that you consider a life skill?


Scenario: you visit your friend's house, and they don't come outside to meet you right away. What do you do?

- ring the doorbell 

- call them


What is (personal) hygiene?

the daily behaviors that we complete in order to keep our bodies healthy and clean. 

Involves taking care of: body, hair, mouth, teeth, nails, clothes, brain (sleep), etc. 


List three (3) safety skills.

  • Understanding physical and emotional safety
  • Taking care to avoid danger, risk or harm
  • Exhibiting self-protection
  • Being cautious and careful
  • Handling emergencies appropriately
  • Avoiding unhealthy attachments such as bullying
  • Avoiding situations that might put one at risk such as using weapons or walking alone at night
  • Practicing safe driving skills and avoid riding with unsafe drivers
  • Practicing refusal skills
HYGIENE: Timmy is complaining that his teeth hurt. Timmy reports that he only brushes his teeth once a week, doesn't floss, and hasn't seen his dentist since he was 15. What should Timmy be doing to be demonstrating correct dental/ hygiene skills. 

- Brushing his teeth twice a day for 2 minutes 

- Flossing in the morning and evening 

- Seeing his dentist 1-2 times a year


List ten (10) different self-care skills.

Yoga, stretching, mindful walk, journaling, spending time in nature, painting, drawing, reading, listening to music, playing instruments, take a technology break, read some inspiration quotes, watch funny videos online, spend time with friends/ family

What are your top three self-care activities? How often do you engage in them?


ACT IT OUT - Scenario: I need my friend's attention and it looks like they are in the middle of a conversation. 

A. Allow for them to finish their current conversation 


B. Say "excuse me" or "hello" in an appropriate tone


What defines good sleep hygiene?

- Going to bed at a similar time each night 

- Waking up at a similar time each morning, even on the weekends 

- Making sure that your room is quiet, dark, relaxing, a comfortable temperature, etc. 

- Removing electronics from your room 

What does your sleep hygiene look like right now? 


Fire safety skill: what does PASS and/ or RACE stand for and when do you use them?

Used during an active fire!

PASS used with the fire extinguisher. 

PASS: Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep 

RACE: remove, alarm, confine, extinguish 


LIFE SKILL: You had an extremely challenging day at program and are feeling drained. What can you do/ engage in when you get home?

Accept any self-care activity


 The values of life skills:

A. Aware of your rights and responsibilities

B. Concerned about the welfare of others 

C. Capable of having an influence on the world

D. All of the above 

A. Aware of your rights and responsibilities 


List ten (10) social skills.

- Verbal communication, cooperation, leadership, empathy, conflict resolution, active listening, non-verbal communication, humor, giving/ receiving constructive criticism, waiting your turn, using manners, compromising, being patient, receiving feedback, sharing resources, finding common interests, asking for help, online etiquette, persuasion, delegation, social awareness, tolerance, agreeableness, public speaking

Which do you think you excel at/ struggle with?


List three (3) times you should wash your hands. 

  • Before, during, and after preparing raw food
  • Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick
  • Before and after treating a cut or wound
  • After using the toilet
  • After changing diapers
  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
  • After touching garbage

Give an example of a basic community safety skill.

- Crossing the road safely (looking both ways before crossing) 

- Being able to read and understand safety signs 

- Staying away from strangers 

- Being able to navigate around your local community


COMBO: You are currently walking downtown in your community. You see your friend talking with a few of your peers from school. You try to wave at them, but they don't see you. They are across the street at the coffee shop. How do you get your friend's attention?

You look both ways before crossing the street. Once you cross the street, you can go up to them and say "hey!" or "excuse me" and then have a conversation with your friend. You can also introduce yourself to the peers they are talking to if you don't know them!